Unique Voices 2025
Grand Prize Winner
Sawbones by HF Crum
(Alphabetized by Title)
Crude by Brady Nelson
Dirty Weekend by CJ Ehrlich
First Lady by Jason June
Moonshot by Michael Graf
Nguyen or Lose by Kathy Li
Room With a Cruel View by Kenya Branch
Sawbones by HF Crum
Shattered Faces by Ariane Hahusseau
The Big Sneeze by Jen Butler
Waitress #2 by Nathan Patton
(Alphabetized by Title)
Amberica by Amber Nelson and Mokotsi Rukundo
AMWF by Tracy Moore
An Orphan’s Playlist by Stephen Elwain Barber
Ancestral by Marni Sullivan
Animal Hearts by Joe Becker
Bad Sadie by Flossie McKnight
Blood Brothers by Peter Hunziker and Cynthia Riddle
Bloody Noses by Matilda Corley Schulman
Christmas in Cryonis by Molly Bandt
Cops and Vloggers by Asif Balouch
Covert Township by John Jackson
Cowboychik by Michael S. Siegel
Crude by Brady Nelson
Daytime TV by Simone Gerber
Death Is No Option by Selene Raffel
Deep Down by Jesse Laurie
Dirty Weekend by CJ Ehrlich
Elephant in a Safeway Bag by Roderick E Stevens II
Far From Here by Matthew McLachlan
First Lady by Jason June
Fluke by Martin Blinder
Generation Loss by Shilpa Sunthankar
Girlfriend by Justin Davi
God and the Termite by Hank Tucker
Group by Sean Slater
Gunplay by Ken Pisani
Hawa by Oleg Bazylewicz
How to Win Friends and Lose Influencers by Dana Barnaby
Husky by Qaseem Fazal
ICE by Cheryl Gray
Image Is Everything by Nathan Patton
Imagination Fort by Aiko Hilkinger
Jeb by Craig Bettendorf
Just a Hitch by Kate Powis
Kōgan Muchi by Kim J.Y. Han
L.A. Woof Story by Randolph Morgan and Sharidan Sotelo
Lafayette by Marshall Ferrin
Laws of Wow by Robert Knoll
Legacies by Jeff McMahon
Lights in the Sky by Jason Ginsburg
Limping Towards Babylon by Julius Galacki
Little Cult by Cody Peterson
Lovers and Madmen by Mary Sandell
Madeleine by Donna Bellorado
Me and My Great Great Great Grandad's Gay Skeleton by Liv Shoup
Minus One by Michelle Wilker
Moonshot by Michael Graf
Nguyen or Lose by Kathy Li
Of Wolves and Men by Odin Ozdil
Oliviana by Hank Isaac
Olympic Heart by Bill Wells
Ostrich Boy by Ricardo Bonisoli and Holly Pavlik
Paper Flowers by Alli Kiko Masloske
Pathological by Katherine Morris
Porridge by Fenton Queens
Pride Floats by James A Bergeron
QB1 by Michael Weinreb
Revolutionary Medicine by Kristen McNaule
Rhythm Girls by Judy Chaikin
Riot Queens by Mehul Shah
Roller by Jordan London
Room With a Cruel View by Kenya Branch
Ruses Are Red by Ellen Greenberg
Sawbones by HF Crum
Second Chance in Seoul by Matt Stein
Secrets of Service by Marcus Stricklin
Sex & Samosas by Jasmine Aziz and Dan McNeil
Shattered Faces by Ariane Hahusseau
She Cries Your Name by Gil Luna
Show & Tell by Thomas Thonson
Sideshow Bandit by Marie Wilson
Something About the Tide by Julia Morizawa
Something New and Something Old by Coco Coloma
Space Cadets: The Next Generation by Edwin McDonald IV
Stoop Dreams by Lawrence A Wood
Summer Reading by Brent Weindling
Team Magic by Garrett Graham
The Big Sneeze by Jen Butler
The Caste of Beula by Dionne Roberts-Emegha
The Degenerate by Dominic Graham
The Ex-Men by Don Willis and Greg Mitchell
The Face of the Earth by A. J. Bermudez
The Hazard Room by Mike Cymanski
The Old Master by Anthony Murphy
The Only Living Man with a Hole in His Head by Todd Pliss
The Public Domain by Adam Somang Karlson
The Shrinemen by Stafford Echols
The Woke Project by Ken Alozie
The Yoko Ono Story by Anzu Lawson
To Skye by Erin Macdonald
Turning the Corner by John Havick
Two Garfield Park by Sandra Hodge-Hampton
Ultimate Trip by Jason Swanson
Vincent by James Valko
Waitress #2 by Nathan Patton
Ward 86 by Nell Scannon
Warm Brothers by William Gorgensen
Welcome to America by Weiyang Liu
White House at Night by Richard Carson Bailey
Who's Minding Malcolm by Linda Marr
(Alphabetized by Title)
731 by Brady Nelson
A Blind Eye by Allison Kitaguchi
A Child of God by Robert Rosenbaum
A Dog's Life by Sammy Leach
A Forest of Mirrors by Jeremy Gough
A Girl Named No by Samantha Skelton
A Good Day Will Come by Amir Zargara
A Hot Girl Christmas by Charmain Johnson
A Lion for Freedom by Barbara Blomquist
A Mystic Education by Glenn Feingold
A Nice Place to Visit by Jack Warner
Abduction of an Angel by Jose Luis Azcarreta
After Life by Dan Healey
After the Bitter Winter by Barry Brock
Against My Will by Martin Blinder
Ain't No Suicide by David Lewis
Alabaster by Marten Hoekstra
Always a Groomsman by Awan Jay Wye
Always Blue by Taylor Coriell
Amberica by Amber Nelson and Mokotsi Rukundo
Amen & Ameen by Susan Polk
American Virtuosa by Lillie Gardner
AMWF by Tracy Moore
An Anger at Birth by John Mayer
An Orphan’s Playlist by Stephen Elwain Barber
Ancestral by Marni Sullivan
Angel by Thomas Thonson
Animal Hearts by Joe Becker
Ant-Arctica by Larry Swanson
Anthology by Nathaniel Mason
Apache by Adam Seidel
April 15th by Paul Myerberg and Janet Lloyd
Aqualand by Luke Hunter
Architorture Animated by Lou Borenstein
Aris by VP Evans
As We Know It by Peter Besson
Assume the Worst by Justin Cutrer
At Last by A.W. Scott
AuD by Sam Keiran Macneil
Autonomous by Valentina Reiken
Bad Cop by James Flores
Bad Night in LA by Kyle Little
Bad Sadie by Flossie McKnight
Baggage by Tom Hartig
Barre None by LauriJon Caravella
Based and Red-Pilled Sigma Samurai by Nicolas Rose
Battlefields by Stephen Lane
Beasty and the Beau by Steven Vivell
Bite by Kate Hawkes and Dev Ross
Black Maya by Marquis Nave
Bleedthrough by Tammy Klembith
Bless Me, Father by Harry Kelley
Blind Greed by Kenya Branch
Blood Brothers by Peter Hunziker and Cynthia Riddle
Blood Key by David Page
Bloody Noses by Matilda Corley Schulman
Bo by Michael A Levine
Boys by Taylor Bartczak
Branden's Song by Peter Besson
Bring a Date to D&D by Tim Bennett and Mike Hartigan
Buffalo Creek by Vaughn Roste
Buntline and Cody by Joe Wolff
ButtercupT by John Murphy
By the Time I Got to Woodstock by Jeffrey Massie
Cannibals by Michael Swiskay
Capital Punishment by Alina Norman and Bart Norman
Carnage in D minor by Stacey Spivey
Chasing Tumbleweeds by Lawrence A Wood
Chris Mess by D.A. Stenard
Christmas Choices by Christine J Whitlock
Christmas in Cryonis by Molly Bandt
Christmas Preyers by Eric Murphy
ChuBBBs, Inc. by Miguel Rivera
City of Masks by William W. Holland
Climbers by Gabrielle Nehring
Close to You by Jim Hickcox
Closer to Fine by Marisa Forrest
Coalhearted by Parth Chandna
Cold Case by Geoff Hall
Cold Dead Fingers by Jack Warner
Collective 400 by Maggie Walters
Connected by Hillery Baker
Conquer the World by Gary Champagne
Cooper Do-Nuts Uprising by Heidi James
Cops and Vloggers by Asif Balouch
Cordyceps by Radem
Corkscrewed by Christopher Isenegger
Courier Girl by Anna Zabel
Covert Township by John Jackson
Cowboychik by Michael S. Siegel
Cows by John Distefano and Mark DiStefano
Crash Site by AJ Thibault
Cray Cray Love by Linda Shayne
Crime of the Century by Talen Legacy
Crooked County by Kari Mote
Crude by Brady Nelson
Crush by Azzurra Nox
DadCon by Tracy Moore
Damaged Goods by Craig Dietz
Dark City by Simon Bowler Khan
Dark Mother by Josh Miller
Daughter of Heaven by Lindsay Kamikawa
Davinder vs Goliath by Jazz Mann and Ravi Kamble
Dayla & JC by Bruno Guedelha De Jesus
Daytime TV by Simone Gerber
Dead, Yet? by Jacqueline Fisher
Deadeye Daisy by Tim Young
Deadly Woods by James Fine
Death in Venice Beach by Nicholas Horwood
Death Is No Option by Selene Raffel
Deep Down by Jesse Laurie
Demanding an Answer From God by Kevin J. Howard
Demonical by Monty Floyd
Dirty Weekend by CJ Ehrlich
Disaster Bastards by Alan Devey
Dischord by Jack Matosian
Dischordant by Melanie Munt
Djinns Don't Eat Pork by Gabriel Tolliver
DNA by Heather Farlinger
Dog Mom by Madi Stine
Doors Open by Alicia Petralia
Downfall by Travis Myles
Dracula: Crime Fighter by Ian Dunning
Dream Girl by Abdullah Khalil and Vasanth Santosham
Droid Hunter by Robert Bielak
Drone Man by Duane Kellogg and Bob Stromberg
Duds & Studs by Brett Joyce
Dust on the Wind by Peter Kershaw
Dying to See You by Nicholas Zingarelli
Echoes of the Past by Surf Writer
Electric Fish by Christopher Ross
Elephant in a Safeway Bag by Roderick E Stevens II
Escort by Daniel Doble
Exploit by Brady Nelson
Fair Wind Blowing Warm by Adam Hersko-RonaTas
Faithless by Ricki Holmes
Falling In Love With Love by Jeffrey Massie
Family Business by Noah Konan
Family Business by Samuel Bollen
Far From Here by Matthew McLachlan
Feast by Angela Page
Featured Extra by George O'Connor and Diana Zimmerman-Porter
Feed by Mike Doyle
Ferals by Mr Fitzgerald
Fercious by Dimitri Devyatkin
First Lady by Jason June
Flake by Craig Elliott Hanna
Flatheads by Matthew Mosley
Fluke by Martin Blinder
Follow the Badge by Jayson Crittenden
Forestry Work by C Christopher Bush
Fornever by Mark Roush
Foule Blood by Lynette Willoughby
Fresco Foto by Robin Leiman
Friday Bloody Friday by Chris Griffin and Jef Fullkrug
Friendship, Honor, and Murder by Giacomo
Frontier Cop by Alan Barkley and Linda Barkley
Gale Fury Saves Christmas by Matthew Rymer
Gemini World by Matthew Kelcourse
Gender Perfect by Brian P Wapole
Generation Loss by Shilpa Sunthankar
Ghost in the Machine by Sam Collins
Gilgamesh by Patsy Callaghan
Girlfriend by Justin Davi
Glimpses by Tammy Klembith
Gobble One Down by Michael Paterka
Goblin Mode by Roco
God and the Termite by Hank Tucker
Golden Pots by Pedro Canais
Granny's Shot by Toni Berrie
Gray Ops by Jeff Harman
Grayson and Grief by Grayson Ruby Reichardt
Group by Sean Slater
Gunplay by Ken Pisani
Halusinasi (Hallucination) by Slina Zein
Hank's by Grayson Callender
Harming Prince Charming by Lyndal Simpson
Hawa by Oleg Bazylewicz
Headcase by Bianca Shaw
Heavy Driver by Chad Magnant
Hellbent Glory Run by Joseph Harrison and Barry Kohl
Here She Comes by Jasmine Aziz and Dan McNeil
Highland Park: Lucy & Cassavetes by Liam Parry
Hightower by Derek Garrison
Hitting Tullados by Bryan Oliver
Hoosier Kid by Richard Heintz
Hospice by Paul Gonzales and Antonio Biggerstaff
How to Win Friends and Lose Influencers by Dana Barnaby
Husky by Qaseem Fazal
Hyozan by Robin Lebeau
I Know You’re Out There Somewhere by Beverley Wood
I Love You, But I Might Kill You by Jeremy Eisener
I’m Sorry No but Thank You So Much by Meghan Hughes
I’ve Never Been to Heaven, but I’ve Been to Oklahoma by M Howard Sewell Jr
ICE by Cheryl Gray
Ignoble by Dashiell Renaud
I'm Digging a Hole by Noel Taylor
Image Is Everything by Nathan Patton
Imagination Fort by Aiko Hilkinger
Imagination Park by Barry Tidwell
Immigrant by Sapna Shah-Haque
In Bright Darkness by Faisal Qureshi
In Eden by Holly Lovejoy
In My Brother's Image by Eugene Pogany and Tamas Harangi
In Self Defense? by Michael Elliott
In the Beat of a Heart by Cody Duke
It's Only Life by Stephen Meadows
Jackin’ the Devil by Paul Myerberg and Janet Lloyd
Jacques Longchamp: Arctic by Randy Taylor
Jay Wants Out by Joffre Silva
Jeb by Craig Bettendorf
Jessie's Saint by Linda Butorac
Jesus One-Stop by Frederik Ehrhardt
Joisted by Collette Legault
Judge Mental by Harry Kelley
Just a Hitch by Kate Powis
Killer Moves by Meredith McClure
Killing Fred & Ethel by Jeffrey Stein
Kitshickers by Joel Gregoire
Knead the Dough by Brett Joyce
Knight of the Apocalypse by AKA Addison a.a. Bhuyan
Kōgan Muchi by Kim J.Y. Han
Kravings by Daniel Schradermeier
L.A. Woof Story by Randolph Morgan and Sharidan Sotelo
Lady M. by Sara Hallowell
Lafayette by Marshall Ferrin
Last Flight From Kabul by Joshua Katz
Last Meal by Jason Stratton
Laughing While Dying by Irv Rich
Laws of Wow by Robert Knoll
Left-Hand Turns: Driving Lessons for the Not Faint of Heart by Rhonda Jean Seiter
Legacies by Jeff McMahon
Legacy by Cyrus Aldridge
Leonard by Darrell McGregor
Let Her Go by Melissa Sheridan and Amy Traurig
Let the Boy Sing by Gunnar Garrett
Let’s Be Happy by Tim Bennett
Letters of Liselotte by Jen Bieser
Leviathan by Kevin Brodie
Lights in the Sky by Jason Ginsburg
Limbo Land by Alex Paulk
Limping Towards Babylon by Julius Galacki
Little Cult by Cody Peterson
Little Island of Joy by Christopher Carlson
Livia's Summer by Michael Angelus
Lost in Between by Steven Miller
Love in the Time of Coronavirus by Emilio Santín
Love Scars by Samuel Wilson
Love Sick by Richard Garry
Lovebug by Tania Meneguzzi
Lovers and Madmen by Mary Sandell
Madeleine by Donna Bellorado
Marilyn Comes to Niagara Falls by Alan Barkley and Linda Barkley
Martha by Essero Eson
McBucket List by Kirk Young
Me and My Great Great Great Grandad's Gay Skeleton by Liv Shoup
Meat My Uncle by James Jones and Tom Foster
Meg Undercover by Molly Mayock
Melodic Addiction by M Kenya Branch
Mier by Oliver North
Migration by Broderick Fox
Minus One by Michelle Wilker
Miracle and the Coven by Sebastian McGrogan
Mobservational by Frank Vespe
Model Citizens by Harris Korn
Modern Woman by Ken Alozie
Monday's Hero by Larry Downes
Moonchild by Chris Courtney Martin
Moonshot by Michael Graf
Muerto en Vida by Colin McGovern
Music Men by Jane Kelly Kosek and Brandon Trenz
My Friend Jesus by Tanner Moody
My Lady Garden by Sally Llewellyn
My Name is Blue by Simone Brazzini
My Name Is Harry by Joseph Freeman
My Soulmate Died at Birth by Ross Martin
My Wooden Wings by Rachel Multerer
Neidelman by David Zorn
Next Semester by Gabe Berry
Nguyen or Lose by Kathy Li
Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer
Nobody Stops for Normal by Lee Karaim
Nocturnes by Ryan Avery
Nursing Homes by Keith Nance
Ode to Violeta by Lorraine Flett
Of Wolves and Men by Odin Ozdil
Old Buddies by PK Silverson
Oliviana by Hank Isaac
Olympic Heart by Bill Wells
Orientation by Nathan Patton
Original Sound by Adam Seidel
Ostrich Boy by Ricardo Bonisoli and Holly Pavlik
Over the Rainbow by Scott Winlaw
Paper Flowers by Alli Kiko Masloske
Pardon My Poltergeist by Melissa Behrend
Pathfinder Down by Tom Brannagan
Pathological by Katherine Morris
Peace Kid by Philip Suraci Jr
Penthesilea: Rise of an Amazon by Stephanie Neroes
Peppermint Twist Chronicles by Garry Hicks
Phoenix by Gernell Welcher
Pilgrims: Stories From the Mountain by Kimberley Ann Sparks
Playground of the Native Son by Celia Xavier
Pornstars on Mars by Brian Menz
Porridge by Fenton Queens
Portrait of an Artist From Mississippi by Xavier Burgin
Poser by Nevada McPherson
Positive by Roberto Niño de Rivera
Preacher Girls by Lyndol Michael
Precious Commodity by Georgette Skolnick
Pregnot by Drew Toop
President Santa by Nicolas Rose
Pride Floats by James a Bergeron
Prison Camp by Doug Howell
Proud Girls by Leslie Flannery
Psych Files by Steve Brody
Public Service Announcement by Arnyce FosterHernandez
QB1 by Michael Weinreb
Queen of Swords by Alyssa Stevens
Queer and Southern God by Shawn-Caulin Young
Quiet Kwame by Azure Osborne-Lee
Racing the Storm by Mike Macke
Rainbow Cruise by Diane Lansing
Ravine by Kevin Brodie
Reality Is on to Something by Holly Sawyer
Red Bark by Kate Salters
Red Summer by Marten Hoekstra
ReDeranged by Anthony Torino
Repossessed by Brett Block
Rescue Eddie by JR Spaulding, Jr.
Response by Matt Spearman
Return to the Allagash by Jim Levi and Bob Harris
Revolutionary Medicine by Kristen McNaule
Rhythm Girls by Judy Chaikin
Riot Queens by Mehul Shah
Rise by James Barrett and Tony Robenalt
Riveters by Max Rissman
Rivkele by Alan Wynzel
Robot Zero by Geoffrey Uhl
Roller by Jordan London
Room With a Cruel View by Kenya Branch
Runaway Strangers by Jerzy Suchocki
Running Start by Jillian Cardillo
Ruses Are Red by Ellen Greenberg
Ryan by Laurel Ellis
Saelar by Auriga Ifill
Saint Catherine's Boys by John Ravitz
Salvation Mountain by Jessica Cabot and Blair Bess
Satch '68: The R Word by Jack Kennedy
Saudade by Noah Lindauer
Saugatuck by Gary White
Sawbones by HF Crum
Second Chance in Seoul by Matt Stein
Second Chances by Michail Eggelhoefer
Secrets of Service by Marcus Stricklin
Secrets of the Moon by Edward Fasano
Sentinels by Marie D. Jones and Denise A. Agnew
Sestra by Ali Jordan
Sex & Samosas by Jasmine Aziz and Dan McNeil
Shadow by Mike Doyle
Shame on Me by Steve Coy
Shattered Faces by Ariane Hahusseau
She Cries Your Name by Gil Luna
Sheer by Dana Speer
Shift by Russell Bradley Fenton
Show & Tell by Thomas Thonson
Shuttlecock by Tapan Sharma
Sideshow Bandit by Marie Wilson
Silent Cal by Claire McKey Berkman
Sixgun Saint by Warren Lane
Skating on Thin Ice by Bob Canning
Slaves to the Rhythm by Terry Connell
Sleep With Me by Benjamin Font and Marc Carlini
Slimm Family Values by Lava Alapai
Sneakers Peekers by S. Riley Moneymaker
Social Media Killer by William Derek Ratliff
Something About the Tide by Julia Morizawa
Something New and Something Old by Coco Coloma
Sonny Liston Lives by Charles William Coulter
Sophie’s Blues by Ruth Knafo Setton
Space Cadets: The Next Generation by Edwin McDonald IV
Stations by Theresa Cardiello
Still Alive by Rosemary Griggs
Stoop Dreams by Lawrence A Wood
Stormheart by Mishal Aslaim
Storybook Village by Jenna Bryson
Sturgeon General by Celia Ramsey and Molly Bandt
Suburban Swim by Kerry McCue
Sucking In the Seventies by Bob Cousins
Sugar Green by Mark Gunnion
Summer of Diva Loca by Monika Moreno Lapp
Summer Reading by Brent Weindling
Sunbreeze by Richard Huttner
Supermess by Stephanie Fedorchak
Suzie x Mika by Christabel Soo
Swingman by Zeki Turgut Gezgez
Swords & Feathers by Harold Brown
Talk Therapy by Thomas Moore
Tangled Trails by Douglas Raine
Tatt2wo by Deirdre Patterson
Team Magic by Garrett Graham
Tell Me More by Pier Bellini
Ten Days in June by John Fantini
The 65th by Alberto Vazquez
The Adventures of Sir Hampton the Great by Grady Cook
The Arctic Throne by Mark Atwater
The Australian. Victory: No Second Prize Part I by Robert Jemison
The Between Place by Marcus Leighton
The Big Sneeze by Jen Butler
The Blakeneys by Brigid May
The Call by Dayna Noffke
The Candidates by Alanis Rodriguez Rivera
The Caste of Beula by Dionne Roberts-Emegha
The Christmas Clauset by Brian Neal
The Citadel of the Five Mountains by Jerzy Suchocki
The Contessa's Vineyard by Tina J. Gordon
The Cookie Shop by Marie Grillo
The Crossing by Robert Binney
The Decision by Carlos Perez
The Degenerate by Dominic Graham
The Destroyer by Ian Patrick Williams
The Devil Is in by Menelek Lumumba
The Dweller by Frank Vallarelli
The Exile by Gustavo Garzon
The Ex-Men by Don Willis and Greg Mitchell
The Face of the Earth by A. J. Bermudez
The Fairer Sex by Andrew Pearson
The Feeling in It by Mariana Villa
The Field by Nathaniel Mason
The Final Communion by J Franklin Evans
The Florida Man Conspiracy by Stephanie Kolar
The Forgotten Man by Steve Spiro
The Garden by Nathan Patton
The Garfield Guy by Jeff Longsworth
The Gateway by Ashley Lara
The Girl by the Fence by James Woodland
The God Machine by Michael Bowler
The Goddamn Apocalypse by Tom Knoblauch and Will Forget
The Hazard Room by Mike Cymanski
The Hound by Felipe Marinheiro
The Irresolute Desk by Jerry Hsu
The Judas Apocalypse by Dan McNeil and Jasmine Aziz
The Lance Chronicles by Michael Bowler
The Liberatress by Gregory Kauffman
The Lilith Code by Wendy Wheeler
The Lily and the Rose by Robin Lebeau
The Marriage Maker by David Bone, Cam Seamus, and Laury Falter
The Matter of Mr. Miller by Tamara Green
The Mender by R.B. Ripley
The Most Marvelous Man in the World by Colin Scott and Khris Burton
The Napkin Agreement by Andre Mateus
The Nazarene by Lawrence A Wood
The Nomad by Hayden Lummus
The Odds of Success by Pavel Christian
The Old and the Beardless by Cassie LeFevre
The Old Master by Anthony Murphy
The Only Living Man with a Hole in His Head by Todd Pliss
The Operative by Rachel McClard
The Oracle by Max Conroy
The Other Boy by Jocelyn Osier
The Painted Key by James H Barrett Jr and Tony Robenalt
The People's Republic of Detroit by Michael Butler
The Perfect Filter by Todd Foley
The Pest Inspector by David McPete
The Place of the Lost Things by Jerzy Suchocki
The Precipice by Olga Holtz
The Prince of Maine by Todd McGee
The Promoter by Jack Westhead
The Public Domain by Adam Somang Karlson
The Radio Programmer by Carol I Hoffman
The Rainbow Chronicles by Roxane Llanque
The Ravening by Matt MacBride
The Rewilding by Brian Stover
The Rifle Mom by Randy Gross
The Rift by Taylor Van Arsdale
The Ruckman by Elizabeth Johnson
The Second Great Depression by Kerry Broderick
The Secret of the Smile by Robin Russin
The Shooter by Jack Polo
The Shrinemen by Stafford Echols
The Sibling Rule by Mari SanGiovanni
The Soul Singer by Nadine Weathersby
The Storm King by Vin Morreale, Jr.
The Storm Warriors by Giacomo Knox
The Suckers by Joseph Fanger
The Surrogate Father by Rob McNeil
The Survival of Monica Coghlan by Gregory Vines
The Switcheroo by Francis Tobin and Susan Banks
The Taraz Heist by Rosie Nisanyan
The Temp by Devi Snively
The Tomorrow Genesis: Rebirth by Daniel Duval
The Trial of Edgar Allan Poe by Sven Anarki
The Trials by Scott Ritchie
The Umbrella Man by Francesco Gangemi
The Understudy by Randall Fontana
The War On by Jeffrey Bassetti
The Way Home by Aaron Braxton
The Way We Walk by Joseph Kibler
The Weeding by Steve Lucas
The Woke Project by Ken Alozie
The Yoko Ono Story by Anzu Lawson
They Called Me Rising Moon by Terence A Rousseau
Think but This by Madeline Stel
This End Up by Mike Ackerman
This Is How It Ends by Melia Gabriel
Three’s a Crowd by Matthew Hoch
Through by Travis Seppala
Ties That Bind by Laura Harbin
'Til She Comes Home by Sharon Curcio and Diana Saenz
Till Death Do Us Part by Katie Combs
Timeless by Les McDiarmid
Title IX by Ryan Greenwood and Rodney C. Greenwood
To Rob a Thief by Lou Simón
To Skye by Erin Macdonald
Transference by Johnny Gilligan
Transient by Michael Lockwood
Turning the Corner by John Havick
Twisted Spokes by Jeff Hopkins
Two Garfield Park by Sandra Hodge-Hampton
Two Stoned Ladies by Justin Nosler
Ultimate Trip by Jason Swanson
Unbound by Renn Tan
Unconquered: The John Hollins Story by Phillip Hollins
Undertow by Gabrielle Nehring
Unfathomable by Barry Brock
Unlove Conquers All by Dane McCauley
Valerie the V.I.P. by Alessandra Bautze
Valleywood by Kevin Dembinsky
Vampire Highway by Lee Arter
Vengeance Is Mine by Maureen Sheehan
Vessels by Derek Weissbein
Vincent by James Valko
Voices by Susan Klos
Voyeuse by Zanna Cardash
Waitress #2 by Nathan Patton
Ward 86 by Nell Scannon
Warm Brothers by William Gorgensen
We Want Your Baby by Leah Rowell
Welcome to America by Weiyang Liu
What Are the Odds? by Jonathan Cardell Sims Sr
What We Hide by Alexander Osman
When I Fell for Traci Reed by Brett Goldman
Whirlabout by Art D’Alessandro
Whispers by Andre Schuck
White Fire by Curt Liska
White Hawk Rising by Claudia Dato
White House at Night by Richard Carson Bailey
Who Is Aylin Cruz? by Taryn Hillin
Who's Minding Malcolm by Linda Marr
Win a Mentorship with Steven Spielberg by Steven Kalocinski
WNPC: Campus TV by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Wrong Number Scam by Nick Fuller
X P L T R by Danny Katz
X-Mas Slay by Jim Hoffman
Yankee Doodle Daddy by Eden DeRuseMoore
Yeats vs. Orwell by Finbarr O'Riordan
You and Me by Writestuff
Zayde and Becky by Andrew M Epstein
Zero Flux by J.B. Dunn
Unique Voices 2024
Silver Wings by Jean Qing Su and A.W. Scott
(Alphabetized by Title)
Alphabet City by Kristen McNaule
Becoming Modern by HyoJeong Choi
Heavy by Collette Legault
Hung Over by Michail Eggelhoefer
Mr. Morgan Returns by William Kalema
Rez Zom Nation by Derek Quick (Negane Meno)
Silver Wings by Jean Qing Su and A.W. Scott
Still Waters by Nicole Jones-Dion
The Accidental Terrorist by Gary Mahmoud
The High Life of Annie Sams by Joyce Simmons
(Alphabetized by Title)
2 Truths & a Lie by Joyce Simmons
A City Clean and Good by Daniel Lin Worthen
All the Money in Tulsa by Ken Alozie
Alphabet City by Kristen McNaule
Appetite by Kevin Mann
Band of Others by Arun Narayanan
Becoming Modern by HyoJeong Choi
Betty Zane by Matthew Webster and Taylor Ferrera
Black Dragon by Roy Hsu
BOOM!Town by Bob Pondillo
Camouflage and Lipstick by Lawrence Daly
Cancelled? by Thomas L.Ferguson
Christ is Back by Laurence Rosier Staines
Come as You Were by Aidan Kilpatrick
Convict #9653 for President by Matthew Scott Myers
Crapshoot by Drew McInturff
Cultish by Michael Rakoff and Don Purnell
Darkest Before the Dawn by William Parsons
Devotion by John Ellis
Divine Rapture by Glenda Ganis
Epidural by Ayah A
Eva by Deborah Seibel
ForHire by Giovani Lampassi
Fraud by Jill Hoppe
Gala by Steven Bogart
Glory-O by Pauline McAlonan
Go Catch the Devil by Martin Blinder
Good Money by David Polcyn and Erik Rodgers
Harlem Hell Fighters by Jayson Crittenden
Heavy by Collette Legault
High School Never Ends by Danny Hogan
How We Really Won the Space Race by Zach Jansen
Hung Over by Michail Eggelhoefer
I Kidnapped the Governor by Dylan Bank
Jack Pine and the Mendicant by Tyler Reeb
Jesus One-Stop by Frederik Ehrhardt
Joe by Jay Cipriani
Johanna van Gogh by Patrick Griffith
Knockers by Karina Cochran and Hannah Checkley
Leaving L.A. by Jon Davis
Life During Wartime by Mark Bowes
Lighthouse Keepers by Matthew Lashua
Lions of Florence by Kenneth White
Looking Glass Falls by Christopher Isenegger
Lost Horse by Zenas Cao
Love and Glory by Gary Parker
Mano Nera by Samantha Caprio-Negret and Richard Sorin
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by Jordan Butcher and Jacob Chattman
Mr. Morgan Returns by William Kalema
Mystery Pie by Daniel Rehnberg
Nara's War by James Mitchell and Chesher Cat
Nefertiti by Ladarrion Williams
Norman Brody and the Magic Psychology Practice by Steven Vivell
Ode to Freedom by Robert Coles
Ouroboros by Red Davis
Paradise in Ruins by Antwyn Price
Plague Walkers by Heather Wilk and Michael McIlraith
Plastic Jesus by Valentina Weil
Point Nemo by Alex Rivers
Prisoner by Tony Conniff
Real Simple by Jacob Silberman-Baron
Return to the Allagash by Jim Levi and Bob Harris
Rez Zom Nation by Derek Quick (Negane Meno)
Santa's Dog by Barbara Giannini
Say What? by Stuart Forrest
Scent of Marigold by Lily Malm and Laila Matuk
Shutdown by Joel Cousins
Silver Wings by Jean Qing Su and A.W. Scott
Smother's Day by Sherry Dawn Klein
Sprinkles and Jitters by Matthew Walker
Stations by Theresa Cardiello
Still Waters by Nicole Jones-Dion
Stonebleeder by Ted Bronson
The Accidental Terrorist by Gary Mahmoud
The Birth Plan by Mark DiStefano
The Dutchman by Robert Callahan
The Executioners by Anthony Hyatt
The Final Cut by Courtney Garbera and Lucas Garbera
The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever by Scott Winlaw and Craig George
The High Life of Annie Sams by Joyce Simmons
The King of the Cannibals by Sam Watson
The Last Good Day by TJ Berry
The Longsword Hunter by Chad Magnant
The Machine Men by Stephen D Reid
The New West by Robin Russin and Greg Klein
The Nuthouse by Michael Hammer and Brian Magid
The Oracle by Max Conroy
The Oxford Journal by Leanna Woodley
The Pardon by Brian Thompson
The Pest Inspector by David McPete
The Quest for Blattopia by Dominic White
The Rommel Gambit by John Doble
The Streak by Damian Hussey
Those Loyal by Mike Fitzgerald
Thumpers by Dawn Cowle
Transistor Radio by Georgia Bloo Nicolaou
Trouble in Tahoe by Anton Diether
Turn of the Scrooge by Mark Snelson
Voices by Susan Klos
What Happens at the Carnation by Alex Stone and Alex Morrison
(Alphabetized by Title)
12 Steps by Syon Armand
12 Steps to Becoming a Lesbian by Victoria Bullock
2 Truths & a Lie by Joyce Simmons
2good2btru by Mike Bencivenga
3 Days in Galveston by Bryan Matthews
A Blaze in the Brooklyn Sky by Henry Winnik
A Christmas Cheer by Clint Ford
A City Clean and Good by Daniel Lin Worthen
A Girl's Guide to Vampirism by Jack Aupperle
A Mid-Christmas Morning by Richard Giarraffa
A Night With a Ghost by Srinivasa-Reddy Chilukala
A Red Shirt by David Angelelli
A Simple Game by Robert Rossetti
A Tale of Two Dickens by Duane Kellogg and Bob Stromberg
Alien Hoax: A Love Story by Gary Lamb
All the Money in Tulsa by Ken Alozie
All the Pretty Flowers by Mark Onspaugh
Ally All Over Again by Monika Moreno-Lapp
Alphabet City by Kristen McNaule
Alphas by India Pearl
Alter by Garret Ricker
ALTernative HUMANS by Darren Canakaris
Amazons, Rebels & Spies: The Trial by Barbara Ashley
American Sons by Roger Stigliano
America's Great White Hope by Raffaël Enault
Anna Incognito by Laura Preble
Another Happily Ever After by Nathan Boyer
Appetite by Kevin Mann
Ashes to Ashes by Rachel McClard
Astronaut by Lukas Hassel
Bad Day for the Dog by I.J. Miller
Bad Soviet by Nik Sysuev
Bad Vibes by Nicolas Rose
Bambo Goes Postal by Stacy Bannerman
Band of Others by Arun Narayanan
Beautiful Monsters by Katarina Severen
Becoming Modern by HyoJeong Choi
Bedlam by John Mayer
Believe in the Bridge by John Paul James
Belonging Nowhere by Ayisha Henry
Beneath the Starry Night by Omid Zader
Beta Testers by Rob Shapiro
Bethlehem Born by Pablo Torroella
Betty Zane by Matthew Webster and Taylor Ferrera
Beyond the Forest by Frederic Morin
Binary by AK Moore
Black Dragon by Roy Hsu
Black Dust by Hunter Davis
Black Mane by Oliver North
Black Sunday by Coli Sylla
Blades of the Abyss by Jellow Quake
Blood Moon Trail by Erik Howard
Blood Thief by Winnie Soldi
Bloodhounds by Anthony Musella
Bloodroot's War by Aaron Campbell
Blue Dreams by Jonathan Samuel
Bogged Down by Bob Cousins
Bone Broth by Noelle Messier
BOOM!Town by Bob Pondillo
Boomerang the Great by Ana R. Dominick
Borderland Lowrider Challenge by Dan Williams
Borderline Justice by Neil Patel
Boy From Earth by Marc McCutcheon
Buffalo Claws by Christopher Harmon
Bullet Drop by Katarina Severen
Burning Man by Kirk Weddell
Cadence. by Mark Laing
Camouflage and Lipstick by Lawrence Daly
Cancel Claus by Sophia Arnao
Cancelled? by Thomas L.Ferguson
Care Source by Matthew Nicholson
Casket Girls by Bree Brincat
Catch Flights! by Miriam Stark
Catching Fireflies by Lee Whittaker
Celestial by Timothy Kohn
Chasing the Dark by Mike Bencivenga
Chessboard Rumble by Jens 'Pil' Pilegaard
Chief by Melanie Abrams Fierstein
Christ is Back by Laurence Rosier Staines
Citizen by Marshall Ferrin
Citizen Swiatlo Proposal by Christopher Swider
Clara Just Isn’t Fun by Amelia Guttridge
Clubland by Amer Nazir
Colonial Times by Taylor Tobin
Colter's Run by Michael Holliday
Come as You Were by Aidan Kilpatrick
Community Guidelines: Banned by AB Norman
Community Service by Graham Stone Johnson
Contained by Jennifer Wilton
Convict #9653 for President by Matthew Scott Myers
Cots by John Purvis
Cowboys and Indians by Aaron Campbell
Crabs in a Mother F*cking Bucket by Kari Mote
Crapshoot by Drew McInturff
Crow by Matilda Corley Schulman
Cruise Cooley Returns by Hal Ackerman
Cuckoo, Cuckoo by Terry Lynam
Cultish by Michael Rakoff and Don Purnell
Dark City by Simon Bowler Khan
Darkest Before the Dawn by William Parsons
Dauphin Island by Jeffry Chastang
Dead Bolt by Jay Quantrill
Dead Melody by Gabe Berry
Death Blows in by Sandra Matheson
Death In Venice Beach by Nicholas Horwood
Defending Innocence by David Wickenden
Departer by Frank Kelly
Deviations by Niki Sharirli
Devotion by John Ellis
Dick and Leo Fight a Monster by William DeWitt
Dischordant by Melanie Munt
Distracted by Murder by Veronica Tabares
Divine Rapture by Glenda Ganis
Don’t Be Too Black by Eric McKeever
Don't Cry by Stefan Alexander and Anthony Guilianti
DragonTown by K Wolf
Dream Filler by Anat Golan
Dream Girl by Abdullah Khalil and Vasanth Santosham
Dream Wedding - Horror Show by Brian Couch
Drivers License by James Barnes
E.L.Fin by Joseph Costa
Edgewater by Matthew Sorvillo
Envie by James Mason
Epidural by Ayah A
Eva by Deborah Seibel
Everything They Don’t Tell You About Being a Vampire by Leah Simmons
Exxie by Jason Vaughn
Eyes of Eve by Dan Bronzite
Far West by Randy Woodley and Edith Woodley
Finding Benjamin by Kevin Brunner
Fireman Down by Lee Shargel
First Drop of Rain by James Brosnahan
First Night by Carol SabikJaffe
Fisher of Men by Anthony Zonfrelli
Five Queens by Craig Berger
Flags by Jade Shine
Flake by Craig Hanna
ForHire by Giovani Lampassi
Francesca's Passion by Lisa Mouhibian
Fraud by Jill Hoppe
Free Spirits by Katharine Densmore
Fresh Out the Coven by Hannah Saks
G.O.D. OS by David Christopher Loya
Gala by Steven Bogart
Gather at the River by Phillip Hardy
General Grant Is Doomed! By James Saunders
Gerryland by Molly Bandt
Girlfriend by Justin Davi
Girls 5eva by Genna Rivieccio
Glory-O by Pauline McAlonan
Go Catch the Devil by Martin Blinder
Go to Hell by Benjamin Font and Emanuel Borria
God Forgive Josie by Veronica Cormier
Golf Girlfriends by Philip Sassi
Good Money by David Polcyn and Erik Rodgers
Gristle by Heidi Hornbacher
Grit N' Glitter by Seth Donsky
Guardian of Children by Keila Ojeda
Hail Mary by Stephanie Neroes
Hampton Roads by McKinley Bundick
Harlem Hell Fighters by Jayson Crittenden
Haymaker by Anthony Cook
Hay's Code by Andrew Smith
Headshop by Philip Henry
Heartrace by Will Bermender
Heavy by Collette Legault
Help Yourself by Susannah Bohlke
Henchmen by Zachary Tomlinson
Hex by Joey Capuana
Hidden Sparks by Joseph Davis
High School Never Ends by Danny Hogan
House on Fire by Jeff Edwards and Robert Jaeger
How ‘Bout Them Cowboys by Sean Neumann
How to Be Friends by Michael Quintana
How to Expose Possible Vampires by Jerzy Suchocki
How We Really Won the Space Race by Zach Jansen
Hung Over by Michail Eggelhoefer
Hunted by Mark Chambers
I Kidnapped the Governor by Dylan Bank
Imbalance by Dale Griffiths Stamos
In His Father’s Footsteps by Bev Irwin
In Love With Elon by Kim Saltarski
In the Dark by Stefan Alexander and Anthony Guilianti
In Transit by Julia Bucci and Alex Bucci
Indigent by Briana Cox
Ink by Steve Garratt
It Is What It Is by Alex Schor
Jack Pine and the Mendicant by Tyler Reeb
Jackpot by Kiefer Lloyd
Jesus Christ: Demon Slayer by Paul Hart-Wilden and Asabi Lee
Jesus One-Stop by Frederik Ehrhardt
Joe by Jay Cipriani
Johanna van Gogh by Patrick Griffith
Judy's search for God by Dave Wade
Jump by Nicholas Cariddo
Just Belle by Edward Ybarra
Katrina Van Tassel and the Witches of Sleepy Hollow by Paige VanTassell
Kimchi Cowboy by Tony Cammarata
Kiss of Darkness by Michael McClung
Knockers by Karina Cochran and Hannah Checkley
Know Your Body by Ariella Carmell
Kuga's Way by Con Kringas
Lady Jay by Alexandra Amadio
Ladylike by Taylor Coriell
Last Best Place by Matthew Sawczyn
Last Request by Diana Williamson
Last Wish Inc by Cyn Harris
Lazarus Canyon: Rise of the Dead by Jeff Martel
Leaving L.A. by Jon Davis
Life During Wartime by Mark Bowes
Light Catchers by Red Roberts
Lighthouse Keepers by Matthew Lashua
Lions of Florence by Kenneth White
Little Island of Joy by Christopher Carlson
Little Red Cells by Ronald Ecker
Live Through the Night by Kristen McNaule
LongPig by Weston Douglas Funk
Looking Glass Falls by Christopher Isenegger
Los Cubanos by George Perez
Lost Horse by Zenas Cao
Lotus by Nathan Patton
Love and Glory by Gary Parker
Love and Venom by Craig Peters
Luna by Jessica Rose
Lupa by Celina Dobson
Maiden by David Bright
Man Around the House by John Walker
Mano Nera by Samantha Caprio-Negret and Richard Sorin
Manslaughter by Stephen Chrabaszcz
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by Jordan Butcher and Jacob Chattman
Matrix Spaghetti Glitch by Miriam Stark
Meadowood Meteors by Brett Joyce
Memories of You by Michael Holliday
Mermaids of Media, Pennsylvania by Carol Sabikjaffe
Mick and Toni by Nicole James Burggraaf
Mid Life Christmas by Robert Rossetti
Miracle and the Coven by Sebastian McGrogan
Monster Country by Lena Cigleris
Moon Shine by KT Roth
Mortimer McGee vs. the Mega Mayhem Machine by Jeff Zampino
Mother Hospital by Darren Callahan
Motherkiller by Terry Lynam
Mr. Morgan Returns by William Kalema
Muck by Ty Bradford
Multiverse 58 by Shiva Sawyer and Laura Sage
My Mother Murdered the Moon by Sam Peters
My Yours His by Nate Raven
Mystery Pie by Daniel Rehnberg
Nadia Deconstructed by Lydia Anne
Nancy's Demon by Mark Lebenon
Nara's War by James Mitchell and Chesher Cat
Naughty in AZ by Christopher Harmon
Nazareth High by Randy Steinlauf
Neat Freak by Christopher Glass
Nefertiti by Ladarrion Williams
Nemesis by Anna Abrashina
Neon in Nashville by Ivory Hendricks-Bard
New Cardiff by M Rowan Meyer
Nokosee: Rise of the New Seminole by DC Copeland
Norman Brody and the Magic Psychology Practice by Steven Vivell
Note in the Oak by Shahar Ben Halevi
Obey by Thul Husk
Oddballs by marcus stricklin
Ode to Freedom by Robert Coles
Odyssey of the Parenting Kind by Lisa Romagnoli
Offering by Corey Woods
Old Timer's Day by Steven Miller
OnlyHans by Lucas Miller
Orange Dissection by TJ Barkwill
Ouroboros by Red Davis
Out of Nowhere by Mike Bencivenga
Out on Top by Cody Duke
Overlorde by Brian Streaty and Paul Rose
Ozzy Saves by Jordan Thornton
P Gen by Katherine Blessan
Paradise in Ruins by Antwyn Price
Parallel Proposals by Andrea Zastrow
Pardou by Lacy McClory
Payload by Phillip Cook
Peasants by Kristina Grosspietsch
Perception by Pauline McAlonan
Pet Project by Jimmie B Pelyhes
Pinecone by Danielle Avila-Johnston and Christ Johnston
Pinkerton Girl: Child of a Cherokee Woman by Jeri Fonté
Pistol City by Lee John
Plague Walkers by Heather Wilk and Michael McIlraith
Plastic Jesus by Valentina Weil
Please Don't Go by Stephanie Mathless and Erik Fassnacht
Plus Ultra by Mike Baranik
Point Nemo by Alex Rivers
Pregnot by Drew Toop
Price of Possession by Brandy Kanatzar
Prisoner by Tony Conniff
Prodigal (Or How I Wanted to Be a Preppy White Boy) by Ricardo Acuna
Punctured by Shari Grewal
Punk Girlz in Space by Steven Prouse
Pure of Heart by Stacey Garratt
Purebred by Sam Robotham
Purgatory: Dogs Donkeys and Women by Mack Edwards
Push by Faisal Qureshi
Queer and Southern God by Shawn-Caulin Young and Melisse Prusinski
Rabbits, War, and Wardens by Kim Butler
Real Simple by Jacob Silberman-Baron
Red Tape by Zach Witt
Red Touches Yellow by Margie Walker
Redline by Scott Saffran
Reefer Madness by Dana Carrabon and Mehdi Sidali
Reformation by Stephen Morgan-MacKay and Stefan Alexander
Rent-a-Life by Connor Brown
Reptile Dysfunction by Kenneth Droz
Requiem at Mud Lake by Larry Thomas
Return to the Allagash by Jim Levi and Bob Harris
Rez Zom Nation by Derek Quick (Negane Meno)
Ripe Fruit by Drew Westcott
Rock Bottom by Kevin Barney
Roommates by Adam Simers
Run Through the Jungle by Shannon Scruggs
Running From the Moon by Ryan Christiansen
Ruth by Valentina Weil
Santa's Dog by Barbara Giannini
Savage by Ryan Christiansen
Saving Grace by Jean-Luc Julien
Say What? by Stuart Forrest
Scent of Marigold by Lily Malm and Laila Matuk
Scissor Mouth by Deborah Richards
Second Stances by Laura Harbin
Seconds by Jess Leslie
Seems Normal to Me by Jim Lupis
Sex Positivity by Nathan Boyer
Shame on Me by Steve Coy
Shapeshifter by Tom Sinclair
Shiksas Are for Practice by Benj Austin
Shoot from the Hip by James H Barrett Jr and Tony Robenalt
Short White Coats by Joe Corrao
Shoulda Swiped Left by Michael Dugan
Shutdown by Joel Cousins
Sidetracked by Edward Gillow
Silver Wings by Jean Qing Su and A.W. Scott
Silverlight by Victor Spiegel
Simplejournalism by Naifmichael Chain and Naifmichael Chain
Single Bullet Theory by Mike Bencivenga
Sirens of Frank by Gabe Shelly
Sister Mom by Kimberly Truong
Skpow! by Stephen Notley
Skye Montana and the Invisibles by Larry Coleman
SkyFire by Mark Morris and Jeff Whitehead
Smother's Day by Sherry Dawn Klein
Snow White and Rose Red by Austin Turmel
Snowflakes by Mayuran Tiruchelvam and Willem Lee
Something to Say by Toni Berrie
Somnium by Michelle Narayan
Sonoran by Jack Aupperle
Space-Cation Land by Mike Bencivenga
Spasm by David Cooper
Sprinkles and Jitters by Matthew Walker
Stale Fish by Madeline Makiko Jade Prins
Stanton by Matthew A Corry
Starblood by Audrey Lorea
Stations by Theresa Cardiello
Still Waters by Nicole Jones-Dion
Stoker/Wilde by Brian Roy Reiss
Stonebleeder by Ted Bronson
Stringbean: The Wonderful Life and Tragic Death of the Kentucky Wonder by Gary Gerson
Sturgeon General by Molly Bandt and Celia Ramsey
Suicidal by Kelsey Grier
Summer Cut by Jeffrey Howe
Supported by Rick Cisario
Supreme by Brett Joyce
Svetlana's Revenge by Wm. Pugh
Swinksters by Shannon Amborn
Swiss Clean by Jim Wurst
T.I.N.A. (There Is No Alternative) by Richard Morell
Tandem by Leah Simmons
Tangled Web by Robert Callahan
Tëme by Sean Cookson
Ten Pounds of Flesh by Steve Blame
Terminus by Fred Perry
The 40 by MB Stevens
The 7th by Donna Jason
The Accidental Terrorist by Gary Mahmoud
The Age of the Empath by Steve Brown
The Alchemist's Daughter by Mary Lawrence
The Ashen Veil by Polina Komissarova
The Australian by Robert Jemison-Budd
The Ayon Hive by Robin Fusco
The Birth Plan by Mark DiStefano
The Black Knight by Henry Brown
The Book of Raquel by Olga Holtz
The Briton by Michael Mortimer and Rafe Clayton
The Cat's Meow by Julia M Sauder
The Charge of Conception Island by Abbott Dodson
The Communing Engine by Sarah Granger
The Damage Controlman by Manda K. Skelton
The Dance by Xavier West
The Dark Art of Self-Preservation by Jessica Sanders
The Domme Next Door by Jane Alexander
The Dream Cake by Anthea Jones
The Dumb Ox Bellows by John Connell
The Dutchman by Robert Callahan
The Empty Sea by David Poulshock
The Endless House by Mark Zakeri
The Executioners by Anthony Hyatt
The Farmhouse by Ted Campbell
The Faux Princess and the Vietnam Vet by Judy Nogg
The Final Cut by Courtney Garbera and Lucas Garbera
The Final Score by Chris Marton
The Firedog Killers by Lit Kilpatrick
The Forgotten Man by Steve Spiro
The Fugitive Diaries by Bill Kelman
The Further Adventures of Jimmy Lynch by Robert Rossetti
The Garden by Nathan Patton
The Gauntlet by Willie Jones
The Grandmother by Robert Rossetti
The Great American Game by Shiva Sawyer and Steve Marians
The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever by Scott Winlaw and Craig George
The Gunslinger Bride by Charmaine Colina
The Hammer Falls by Travis Heermann
The High Life of Annie Sams by Joyce Simmons
The High Tide by John Saveland
The House on Park Place by D A Karr
The Incredible Summer of Ruby Rosenbloom by Heidi Nyburg
The Informer by Coli Sylla
The Interview by Joe Kilgore
The Japan Job by Ali Clifton and Hannah Silver
The Jump by John Killoran
The Killing Dream by Aaron Heinrich
The King of the Cannibals by Sam Watson
The Kingmaker by JD Elliby
The Landlord by Nick Rose
The Last Call by Mike Ross
The Last Cossack by Ronald McQueen
The Last Good Day by TJ Berry
The Least of These by Ellen Winburn
The Legend of Yakatutch by Sean Francis Ellis
The Longsword Hunter by Chad Magnant
The Lost Girls by Aloura Charles
The Loud Woman by Sinead Lemass
The Lyon of Times Square by Christopher Loveland
The Machine Men by Stephen D Reid
The Man & the Mermaid’s Tale by Donna Loehrer
The Medium Well by Chris Courtney Martin
The Mysterious Vanishing of Anna Lisa Smith by Erik de la Serna
The Mythical Golden Trout by Craig Peters
The New West by Robin Russin and Greg Klein
The New World by William Rabkin
The Nuthouse by Michael Hammer and Brian Magid
The Old Master by John Murphy
The Oracle by Max Conroy
The Overturning Moment by Tom Holowach
The Oxford Journal by Leanna Woodley
The Paraclete by John Mayer
The Pardon by Brian Thompson
The Past by Kaisha Bicknell
The Peacemaker by Andrew Crane
The Pest Inspector by David McPete
The Pirate Empress by Michail Eggelhoefer
The Pleasure Garden by Linda Pace
The Queens of Bifford by Austin Savage
The Quest for Blattopia by Dominic White
The Real John Fax by Cristian Lacatus
The Ride by Derek Garrison
The Right Hand of God by Robert Vink
The Romantic Road by Sean Morrisroe
The Rommel Gambit by John Doble
The Sc:ythe by Terrance Thibodeaux
THE SCRIPT by Lynn Elliott
The Severing by Christian Hearn
The Shimmers by Brendan Vogel and Ruth Sabin
The Show to Die for by Martin Cox
The Silver Cup by D. A. Stenard
The Squawker by Craig Peters
The Streak by Damian Hussey
The Summer of 67 by Nicholas Gerasimou
The Superintendent by Edward Cisneros
The Teacher by Jay Fjestad
The Teenage Bodyguard by JZ Murdock
The Telling by Nora Barry
The Tremendous Tale of the Tiburon Pirates by Andrew Varhol
The Understudy by Randall Fontana
The Unreal Life of Pino Smith by Rick Groleau
The War Unheard by Adam Sharp
The Wild Unknown by Sam Robotham
The Wrong News, Again! By Ld Janakos
They Also Serve... By John McCarney
Thirsty by Jon Davis
Thirsty by Louise Rozett
This Story is No Longer Available by Aaron Andrew Keene and Sara Burke
Those Loyal by Mike Fitzgerald
Three Paddies by Dominic Graham
Thumpers by Dawn Cowle
Thursday Best by Megan Peterson
Tilly’s Promise by James Patrick Dillon
To Reap Is to Sow by Tasha M McLemore
Tosca's Kiss by Philip Lyu
Totem by Brent Beath
Touch the Fire by Kevin Karp
Trajectory by Marty Howe
Transference by Johnny Gilligan
Transfixion by Bill Burton
Transistor Radio by Georgia Bloo Nicolaou
Transplant by Tala Calil
Trapped by Farrin Rosenthal
Trick Selfie by Chad Wellinger
Trinity East by Kristof Gillese
Trophywife by Cassidy Civiero
Trouble in Tahoe by Anton Diether
Trucker by Charles Andrew and Derek Nelson
True Blue by Charmaine Caro Colina
True Love Ways by Bob Cousins
Turn of the Scrooge by Mark Snelson
Twenty-Five Years - Later by Monica Schimmer
Two and 1/2 Weeks by Lou Wollin
Unblind by Mark Wachholz and Tyll Zybura
Undead Express by Cassandra Betancourt
Undocumented Minors by Weiyang Liu
Undying by David Creighton
Valence by Michael Iannacone and Benjamin Ginther
Verducci: The Museum on Mars by Veru Narula and Daniel Kulhman
Vicious Women by Stuart Pollack
Vintrospection by Lisa Nagy Isaacson
Vitals by Nelson Downend
Voices by Susan Klos
Wahoos by Drew McInturff
Waitress #2 by Nathan Patton
Walking in Iowa by Alex Murawski
Wasted by Mark Turner
We Came From Dust by Luis Saldias
Werewolves From Outer Space by Justin Nosler
Wet Specimens by Scott Norton
What Happens at the Carnation by Alex Stone and Alex Morrison
When Cupid Met Mary by Bernadette Carroll
White Noise by Salvador Medina
Who Killed William Desmond Taylor? by Nate Washburn
Wild Life by Robert La Rocca
Wish Upon a Hollywood Star by Dexter Williams
Wishing Well by Gary Bickal
Within an Echo by Kel Vance
Wives Without Borders by Susan Hahn
Wolf Tone by Merlin Love
Women at Night by Sam Marine
Work Weasels by John Hickey
World Wrestling League of Badassery by Lee Lucero
Wytch by Travis Seppala
You Are Where You’re From by Kyle Thomas
Young Banksy by Carl Governale
Unique Voices 2023
Broken Angels by Valerie Brotski
Genre Winners
Zero Line by Tim Kontje
BattleScar by Mercedes Arturo, Nico Casavecchia, and Pablo Sternbach
F-YOU! I'm a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Broken Angels by Valerie Brotski
Mixteco Kid by Miguel Orozco
Brain Games by Alan Schwarz
Choppa City: A Game of Chance by Cain Angelle
Officer X by Michael Joiner
Magical Negro by Sam Watson
The Railwalkers by Ruthie Hanson
Semi-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
1638 by Richard Bradley
After the Gold Rush by Adrian Parks
Altered by Dawn Prato
American Patriot by Shintaro Ogai
Amy Messes up the Timeline by Boris Coll
Bad Blood by Aaron Campbell
Badger’s Alley by BK Bergman
BattleScar by Mercedes Arturo, Nico Casavecchia, and Pablo Sternbach
Brain Games by Alan Schwarz
Broken Angels by Valerie Brotski
Buraku by Stephen Nolly
Chasing Brinks by Greg Beck
Child of Gulag by Yuri Feynberg
Choppa City: A Game of Chance by Cain Angelle
Clown Fight! By Matthew Walker
Cruise of the Amberjack by Evelyn Foster
Dance Hall Girls by Melissa Pilgrim
Dead at Silver Lake by Tom Schneider
Diary of a Countess by Stuart Creque
Do Not Disturb by Joseph Bronzi and Buddy Fitzpatrick
Drop Dead by Frankie Campisano
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Every Room in This House Is Haunted by Travis Seppala
Fearful Symmetry by Jessica Cummings
Fog Area by Collin Frey
Freight by Emily Sheehan and Andrea Sheehan
Full Distance by Jeff Malphurs
F-YOU! I'm a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Ghostly George by Rob Thorp
Grounded by Gregory D'Angelo and Jennifer D'Angelo Kircher
Guard. Dog. by James Mayson
Hatch by Oami Brown-Pandolfi
Hick, Darling by LeeAnne Lowry
If I Never Get Back... By Marcus Stricklin
In Self Defense? by Michael Elliott
In Time of War by Sam Collins
Insurrection by Simon Bowler Khan
Jaegerfell by A. D. Smith
Knight Fight! by James Mulcahy
Left at Old Thieves Road by Jason Ginsburg
LEGEND: PONY XPress by Shawn Maricich and Nick Alphin
Little Miracles by Carlos Perez
Love Unlimited by Jennifer Page
Maestro by R.B. Ripley
Magical Negro by Sam Watson
Mirella by Gregory Fields
Mixteco Kid by Miguel Orozco
Moonscope by David Hunter Fein
Museum Piece by Brian Koukol
My Space Therapy by Nate Raven
Negative Feedback Loop by Kevin Barney
No Good Deed by Heather Farlinger
Officer X by Michael Joiner
Other People Ruin Everything by Danny Katz
Out on a Limb by Rich Machin
Perfect Flower by Brent Delaney
Posthumous by Josh Granovsky
Preg Nancy by Stephen Chrabaszcz
Pride & Joy by Vishal Reddy
Rainbow Man by Bonnie Culver
Red Flags by Charlie Braithe
Revolt of the Good Guys by Christy Daniels
Rom Com Nightmare by Jessica Cabot
Sanctuary by Mehul Desai and Levar Kelly
Seven Thousand Islands by G R White
Singularity by Ernesto Machina
Song to the Moon by Lynn Esta Goldman
Starlight Hacienda by Kyle Little
Stay at Home Hitman by Mel Killingsworth
Stop Loss by Ramona Taylor
Sunbeam by Nick Padmore
Supreme by Brett Joyce
Tears of a Clown by Michael Buzzelli and Dean Focareta
Tenn by Robin Shushan
The Assassin's Shadow by Bert Pigg
The Beginning by Mark Turner
The Cold Truth by Christopher Carlson
The Double Act by Barry Staff
The Female Agenda by Genna Rivieccio
The Girl Who Shot Digger Dean by Mark McCarthy
The Lieutenant Nun by Matthew Bernstein
The Lift by Lorien Haynes
The Nightline Attic by Denis Memedoski
The Niihau Terror by Jeff Prahl
The Railwalkers by Ruthie Hanson
The Red Zone by Terry Podnar
The Right Hand of God by Robert Vink
The Space Suits by Landon Ashworth
The Trials of Thomas(Ine) Hall by Vaughn Roste
The War Unheard by Adam Sharp
The Youngest Doughboy by Steve Sterling
Threshold by Bruno Derlin
Treasure Trap by John Munn
Walking by Jeffrey Wank and Jonny Gentry
We Make Great Pets by Grat Crabtree
Where is Juan Moctezuma? by Alaric Rocha
Willow Dale by Maceo Greenberg
Wishing Well by Gary Bickal
Zero Line by Tim Kontje
Zoo for Monsters by Kim Lozelle
Quarter-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
10 Angry Dragons by Casey Costello
1638 by Richard Bradley
3 Hours by Elle DeChampagne
86*d by Matt Stein
A Caliente Christmas by Milan Skrecek
A Christmas Genie by Anat Golan
A Consequence of Honor by Luis Arrarte
A Good Breakfast in a New Town by Mike Lemme
A Hard Rain by Jerome Adam and Richard Schlesinger
A Little Push by Steven Patterson
A Possession for All Time by Charles Kaufmann
A Promise I Made to Mr. Bagels by Romeo Ciolfi
A Tale of Two Dickens by Bob Stromberg
A Tribe, a Priest and Baseball by Garrison Wells
Abel's Baby by Hallie Stephenson
Adult Content by Hope Lasater
After the Gold Rush by Adrian Parks
Against All Entropy by Nick McMurdy
Airbags by Patrick Holden
Aktion T-4 by John Martins III
Ally All Over Again by Monika Moreno-Lapp
Altered by Dawn Prato
Altered Fates by Craig Swindell
Always We Begin Again by Nic Cohen
Amen & Ameen by Susan Polk
American Patriot by Shintaro Ogai
Americanos by Ezra Bynum
Amy Messes up the Timeline by Boris Coll
And No One Mourned by KY Rogers
And the Winner is... by Stacey Bean
AnimaLib by Stephen Colley
Ann Arbor by Richard Redlo
Another Shot! by Hermano Mattos
Antarctica by Ryan Lange
Attension by Eric Stumpf
Autopilot by Bill Birney
Baby Teeth by Jacob Lazarow and Greta Guthrie
Backwater by Danny Katz
Bad Blood by Aaron Campbell
Bad Motives by Nell Scannon
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Bad vs. Evil by Adriana Laplanche
Badger’s Alley by BK Bergman
Bakken Empire by Mark DiPaola
Balm of Rectitude by Laura Bollinger
Barrio Barrister by William Weeks
Base by Samantha Brennan
BattleScar by Mercedes Arturo, Nico Casavecchia, and Pablo Sternbach
Bearing Witness by Nicole Quinn
Beauty for Ashes by Amir Ohebsion
becoming. by Matthew Parvin
Behind Every Door by Brenda Malley
Behind Her Reflection by Kay Kestner
Bei Ihm by Amelia Gilday
Beige is Not Dead by Catherine Durickas
Bethlehem Slutbag by Mak Shealy
Beyond Forever by Pierre Robinson
Bible Park by Megan Sass
Bi-coastal by Adelita Lopez
Big Yellow Wang by Jarrett Jung
Blackness of Space, Whiteness of Bones by Melissa White
Blaze by Deborah Puette
Bleedthrough by Tammy Klembith
Blindsided by Yellowlees Douglas
Blood Thief by Winnie Soldi
Blood, Water, Dust by Litza Bixler
Blowback by Cory Byers
Bluecoats by John Alarid
Bob Trevino Likes It by Tracie Laymon
Bog Water by Jonathan Weisbrod
Borderlands Lowrider Challenge by Dan Williams
Bound Together by Steve Coy
Boy From Earth by Marc McCutcheon
Brain Games by Alan Schwarz
Breaking the Code by Claudia McGarry
Breast in Show by Andrea Berting
Broadband by Vincent Scuro
Broken Angels by Valerie Brotski
Bubble by Leslie Danon
Buraku by Stephen Nolly
Burn Pattern by Laura Kemp
By Noble Means by Stephen Barber
Cabin No. 3 by Mitchell Martin
California by Adam Seidel
Call Me Mommy by Haley Erickson
Casus Belli by Kathryn Orwig
Caterpillar II by Burgess Wilder
Chambers by Gary Hall
Chaos Becomes Us by Rachel Rios
Chasing Brinks by Greg Beck
Cherry Park by Joseph Hooten
Child of Gulag by Yuri Feynberg
Choppa City: A Game of Chance by Cain Angelle
Cinder by Faisal Hashmi
City Boys by Justen Ramsey
Clown Fight! By Matthew Walker
Coming Out Together by Mahtub Zare Mochanloo
Con's Cruise by John Panozzo
Convergence by Rick Reischman
Copiapo by G K
Counter Intelligence by John Logan McGee
Covington's Island by Greg Bisson
Coy Dog by Matthew Corley
Credence Falls by B. Jack Azadi
Creep Catcher by Marty Howe
Cruise of the Amberjack by Evelyn Foster
Crush by Azzurra Nox
Cryptic by Laurisha Yniguez
Cucaracha! by Tommy Heleringer
Cuffing Season by Michael Buonocore
Cult Town by Katie Crone
Cyn & Izzy by Jackie Letkowski
Daffodil's Guide to Falling Apart by Zoë Hodge
Damned Troublemakers by Ty Bradford
Dance Hall Girls by Melissa Pilgrim
Dancing Beyond by Koura Linda and Sarah Daly
Dancing with Gravity by Jane Kelly Kosek
DEA by Peter Noel
Dead at Silver Lake by Tom Schneider
Dead Horse Lake by Michael Graf
Dead of Night (A Killing Moon) by Terence O'Keefe
Dead Serious by Darko Mitrevski
Death by Education by James Barnard
Debbie Nesbitt’s Not Dead Yet by Linda Jane Butler
Deep Down by Jesse Laurie
Deep Within by D Ross
Delizioso! by Joe Borriello
Desert Star News by Robert Haus
Diamond Jimmy by Tim Haldeman
Diary of a Countess by Stuart Creque
Dick Tracy: 2046 by Aaron Garcia
Digging by Christopher Flora
Dirty Talk by S. Christian Roe
Dischord by Jack Matosian
Do Not Disturb by Joseph Bronzi and Buddy Fitzpatrick
Doom Lagoon by Douglas Booth
Down in Mexico by Richard Kaylor
Drawn to Death by David Welsh
Drop Dead by Frankie Campisano
E,I,E,I,O by James Thornton
East Jesus by Duane Graves
Eastbound Traffic by Chuck Johnson
Echoes of the Garfield Multiverse by Aaron Pryka
Eco-Yard by Michael Casey
Elderly Arthur and the Residential of Gloom by Matthew Lowe
Em & Toby vs. The Gulches by Steve Holbert
Emery & Ellsworth Make a Picture by Madi Stine
Engine No. 7 by Heather Fusari
Ensign by Stephanie Maura Sanchez
Eon by Marine Mondelot
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Every Room in This House Is Haunted by Travis Seppala
Eye Contact by Anna Abrashina
False Judgment by Jave Galt-Miller
False Profit by Raynard Gadson and Jason Lee
Family Value$ By Christopher Craig
Fearful Symmetry by Jessica Cummings
Ferals by M.R. Fitzgerald
Fight or Play Basketball by Mike Messier
Fissure by Spencer Slovic
Five Kingdoms by Craig Koller
Flad by Daniel Doczi
Fog Area by Collin Frey
Forget You?! by Denis Mortenson
Frank M by Benin Trotter
Freight by Emily Sheehan and Andrea Sheehan
Fulfillment by Sarah Kennedy
Full Distance by Jeff Malphurs
F-YOU! I'm a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Gamer Dad by Sumit Singh
Gender Perfect by brian wapole
Geoffrey's Last Stand by Anna Forsyth
Ghostly George by Rob Thorp
Girl Anachronism by Pepper Reed
Girl with Cat (Blue) by Sam North
Glow in the Dark by Luke Anthony Walker
God From the Machine by Colton Tanner
Godfor by Pablo Torroella
Good Enough by Marta Hopfer-Gilles
Grannypants by CG Zarbock
Granny's Ride by Ryan Williams
Great Big Something by Andrea Weiss
Grounded by Gregory D'Angelo and Jennifer D'Angelo Kircher
Guard. Dog. by James Mayson
Gulp! By John Whitcher
Haight-Ashbury by Randall Fontana
Hancock College: Move-in Day by Matthew Purnell
Harlem Hell Fighters by Jayson Crittenden
Hatch by Oami Brown-Pandolfi
Heather Isle by Eloise Healey
Hellish by Scott Dokey
Hick, Darling by LeeAnne Lowry
High School Scores by James Asosi
High Stakes by Gail Knowles
Highway of Tears by Philip Elliott
Hollywood Cannibals by Chad Wellinger
Holy Smokes by Michael G Morero
Home of the Brave by Sarit Zadok
Hoskins by Tsach Gilboa
Hot Rod Monsters by Michael Kenney
How to Kill Your Boyfriend by Tea Rohrberg
Husband, Wife & Others by Gustavo Melo
I am the Dragon King by Storm Choi
If I Never Get Back... By Marcus Stricklin
Illicit by Paul Mroczka
Imposter Syndrome by Yellowlees Douglas
In Self Defense? by Michael Elliott
In Time of War by Sam Collins
Incarnations by Albert M Chan
Indigent by Briana Cox
Ineffable by Marcus McGee
Inherit-ly Gay by Michael Preston
Insurrection by simon bowler khan
Into Covert Waters by Maryann Koenig
Invisible by Dave Schmeling and David A. Pasquarelli
Itchy Trigger Finger by Damian Hussey
It's about the Habermans by Steve Trebilcock
Jaegerfell by A. D. Smith
Jazlyn's Sight by Debi Yazbeck
Jesus Christ: Demon Slayer by Paul Hart-Wilden and Asabi Lee
Jesus Fruit by Justin St. Pierre
Jinxed by Catherine Fridey
Jungle by The Gudgeon Twins
Juvé by Brandi Self
Kali on the Ropes by Ali Choucri
Kandlestick Men by Frank Monteleone
Karate is Fucking Useless by Adrian McNair
Keres by Vikki Harris
Khalid and the Great Beyond by Tim Brennan
Killing Squirrel Creek by Erik Howard
Kiss of Darkness by Michael McClung
Knight Fight! by James Mulcahy
Krandyland by Keith Allan
Kresi Healers by Hermine Chan
La Cherry Luna by Julia M Sauder
La Isla by Leanna Woodley
LA Made You... by bill sindelar
Leaky Edges by Renee Ardan
Left at Old Thieves Road by Jason Ginsburg
LEGEND: PONY XPress by Shawn Maricich and Nick Alphin
Les Blessees (The Wounded) By Bob Canning and Vivien Straus
Letting Go by Estes Tarver
Life on the Curb by Ty Strange
Like Father, Like Son by Roy HSU
Lioness by Andrea Dulberg
Lion's Den by Ericka Carter
Little Chinatown by Bethany White
Little League by Joseph Link
Little Miracles by Carlos Perez
Live Long by Kat Rollinson
Living Wild - Alaska by Dorene Lorenz
LOGOS by Alexander Blum
Lost Horse by Zenas Cao
Lost in Bloom by Andrea Nettleton
Love Scars by jodi Ippolito
Love Unlimited by Jennifer Page
Love-15 by Natalie Malizia
Low and Outside by Mark Layne
Lucky by Mark Olmsted
Lunar Surfers by Jonathan Wax
Mack House by Bryan Farrell
Madonnas by Fabrizio Muscia
Maestro by R.B. Ripley
Maggie Noir by Elisa Donovan
Magic Mountain by Todd Tobias
Magical Negro by Sam Watson
Major Hacker's War by Steve Blame
Make Me Over by Sarah Obenauf
Making Friends by Lochlann Dowd
Makwa by Johnny Cole
Malvado by Antonio ‘Tyger’ Olivas
Marina Wants to Be a Spinster by Eric McKeever
Martín and Yolotzin by Angela Sanchez
Meet the Roaches by Ryan Evans
Memory Maker by Anna Abrashina
Mercy's Vengeance; The Hannah Duston Story by Ryan Christiansen
Merry Karishmas by Jasmine Aziz and Dan McNeil
Middle-Aged Women by Brandy Kanatzar
Mirella by Gregory Fields
Mixteco Kid by Miguel Orozco
Montana Quagmire by David Biscevic
Moonscope by David Hunter Fein
More Than a Heart Can Hold by Julia Maddox
More to Say by Toni Berrie
Mother Tucker by Steve Holbert
Motherboard by Adam Scott Mazer
Mrs. Chandelier by Larissa Marten
Murray's End by Esa Nurminen
Museum Piece by Brian Koukol
My Happy Place by Angel Hilson
My Imaginary Girlfriend by Jonathan Skurnik
My Space Therpay by Nate Raven
Nazareth High by Randy Steinlauf
Negative Feedback Loop by Kevin Barney
Neutrals by Jacob Horne
Never See the Sun Again by Mason McDonald
New Dawn by Ramona Taylor
New Olympus by Matthew Nicholson
Nightmares From a Past Life by Wallace Wang
Nin by Tommy Sigmon
Nisha's Second First Kiss by Bill Taylor
No Good Deed by Heather Farlinger
No Rest for the Wicked by Denise Meyers and Michael Witt
No Rules by Ashley Gianni
Non-Stop Cop by Zozimos Hermetica
Nora. And George. by Katherine Saviana
NTSB by Phil Mars
Objects in Mirror by Danny Katz
Officer X by Michael Joiner
Oikos by Raphael Duhamel
Omnium Gatherum by Dave Mac
One Hit Wonderland by Jack Caswell
One Park Place by Lisa Rodriguez
Other People Ruin Everything by Danny Katz
Otherworld, NJ by Matthew McLachlan
Otopia by Evan Schwartz
Out of the Blue by Laura Harbin
Out on a Limb by Rich Machin
Outgrossed by Bremer Davis
P. Q. by Paul Shiban
Paan by J.E. Clarke and Tim Westland
ParaRescue by Lawrence Whitener
Parthenia (or The Dangers of the Social Construct of Virginity) by Courtney Garbera
Paul by Brian Flaccus
Perfect Flower by Brent Delaney
Perpetua by Jared Bratt
Phobophobia by Megan Marinello
Pick by Bernhard Riedhammer
Picture Man by Broderick Fox
Pier 55 by Alec Whittle
Places, Please! By Steven Martin
Planet Pretty Kill by David Meister
Please Wake Me Up by Janet Mellor
Polarized by Jeff Zampino
Portland by Michael Weinreb
Posthumous by Josh Granovsky
Preg Nancy by Stephen Chrabaszcz
Pride & Joy by Vishal Reddy
Pride & Prudence by Fran Ervin
Pride of Love by Kevin Dwyer
Pride of the Dead by Daniel Pike
Pyramid by Alexandra Price
Quantum by Adam Thompson
Quantum Entanglement by Kyle Kramer
Quantum Soul by Stephen Sherwood
Queen Mary by Kate Imy
Queens Village by Samantha Lavin
Queue by Jessica Wilson
Rainbow Man by Bonnie Culver
ReBearth by Anna Elias
Reconstruction by Jelena Woehr
Red Flags by Charlie Braithe
Red Tape by Zach Witt
ReDeranged by Anthony Torino Blevins
Regression Test by Michael Dean
Remember Me by Lagueria Davis
Return to Infinia by Josh Schaffer
Reunion by John W. Kim
Revolt of the Good Guys by Christy Daniels
Revolving Doors by Jim Falletta
Ricky Benes by John Paul James
Rock Hard by Dan Healey
Rom Com Nightmare by Jessica Cabot
Rooted Violence by Ian Ortiz
Run! Run! Run! - The Lives of Abbie Hoffman by michael j shapiro
Sadist by Jennifer Anderson
Saints and Poets by Richard LaPorta
Sanctity by Cassidy MJ Lee
Sanctuary by Mehul Desai and Levar Kelly
Santa's Dog by Barbara Giannini
Scapegoat! by Nan Schmid
Scene Queen by Annique Arredondo
Scrapped Hope by Jeremy Davis
Second Wind Woman by Edwin Turner
Seven Thousand Islands by G R White
Shango by Martyn Eaden
SHE.E.O by Teri Shavoz
Shit I Do For Money by Beth Nintzel
Should It Be This Hard? By Mari Winther
Signature Photo by Michael Bucklin
Single Belles by Maggie Dallen
Singularity by Ernesto Machina
Sins of Saints by Lacy McClory
Sister Georgette of Natzwiller by Brooke Martin
Sister Sam, P.I. by Andre Mateus
Skidmarks by Michael Buhlman
Skinny Dipping by Harvey Yazijian
Slay by Steve Holbert
Something's Got a Hold of Me by Agustin McCarthy
Song to the Moon by Lynn Esta Goldman
Southpaw by Nora Delyra
Space Gingers by Peter Wisan
Spellbound by Kate Longoria
Stage Fright by Lawrence Daly
Stalag of the Bush Moons by YL Morris
Starlight Hacienda by Kyle Little
Start the Jihad Without Me by Jonathan Field
Stations by Theresa Cardiello
Stats by Kem Joy Ukwu
Stay at Home Hitman by Mel Killingsworth
Stone and Spark by Sibella Giorello
Stop Loss by Ramona Taylor
Sugar's by Dennis Flagg
Sunbeam by Nick Padmore
Supreme by Brett Joyce
Surfdog by Jamaica Michaels
Sweet Words and Low Musicusic by Fred Nolting
Swipe Left by Ellie O'Connor
Tears and Redemption by Enrique Orozco
Tears of a Clown by Michael Buzzelli and Dean Focareta
Tender by Trina Colon
Tenn by Robin Shushan
Test of Will by Dennis Hennessey
Tethered by Brad Brookes
Thanksgiving Games by Richard Bogart
The 10th by Rudi O'Meara
The Affected by Shane Harbinson
The Announcer by Jacob Ethan Chattman & Jordan Butcher.
The Anti-comic by Steve Savitz
The Assassin's Shadow by Bert Pigg
The Assistant Curator by Richard Bailey
The Backdoor by Bill Birney
The Balls by Bradley Jacobs
The Balls by Bradley Jacobs
The Bank by Michael Bockman
The Beats by Kyle Finnegan
The Beginning by Mark Turner
The Bells by Charlie Magdaleno
The Boot by Paul Glen Neuman
The Bus by Adam Pachter
The Chevalier by Joe Beatty
The China Horse by Barbara Schiffman
The Cold Truth by Christopher Carlson
The Community by Brenna Kelly
The Confessor by Melissa Birks
The Coven by Bridget Visser
The Cure for Shyness by Nancy Bailey
The Dakota by Douglas Walter Fisher
The Dead End Job by Renee Lukas
The Double Act by Barry Staff
The Dutchman by Robert Morgan Callahan
The Envy of Ledd by Gary Irons
The Everlasting Gift by David-Matthew Barnes
The Ex Con's Guide to Daycare by Chloe Spencer
The Fall Girl by Tara Hall
The Family Secret by Alix Lindbergh
The Family Value by Qaseem Fazal
The Fat Girls Club by Mahalia Latortue-Pridgett and Erik Francisco Medina
The Female Agenda by Genna Rivieccio
The Fighting Carpenter by Rory Lawie
The Final Assassination by Donell Jackson
The Fish Runner by Ricardo Timmermann
The Fitz by Mike Guerrini
The Flock by Jeff Meyers
The Forbidden Dance by Kaede Loh
The Gargoyle by Charles ValentinStulck
The Girl Who Shot Digger Dean by Mark McCarthy
The Green Tunnel by Thomas Zarnoch
The Haight by Kimba Henderson
The H-Bomb by Damion Stephens
The High Way to Hell by Eric Wheeler
The House Call by Kathleen Werner
The House of Tang by Lisa Iannini
The Hymn by Alex Sosin and Chris Courtner
The Invention of Dragons by Jonathan Chappell and Christian Raymond
The Inventor by Lyndol Michael
The Inventor by Lyndol Michael
The Jump by John Killoran
The Last Organic Prey by Victor Trigg
The Last Thing I Do by C. E. Simon
The Lease of Nature by Anderson Boyd
The Lieutenant Nun by Matthew Bernstein
The Lift by Lorien Haynes
The Marrow by Christian Raymond and Jonathan Chappell
The Miss Stone Affair by Darko Mitrevski
The Missing Beat by Brandon Pantry-Melsom
The Move by Andrew McGivern
The Naughty List by Francis Barel
The Nelsons by Logan Bradley
The Next King by Kyle J Scimone
The Nightline Attic by Denis Memedoski
The Niihau Terror by Jeff Prahl
The Occurence on Mars Hill by Michael Stark
The Ones Who Stayc by Jef Burnham
The Other Side by J Rosario
The Painted Man by Glen Hosking
The Perceptionists by Stephanie Brandolini
The Perfect Filter by Todd Foley
The Pest Inspector by David McPete
The Preservationist by Alec Gutherz
The Prince of The Black Hand by Danny Range
The Prophet by Beverly Neufeld
The Quest for Blattopia by Dominic White
The Railwalkers by Ruthie Hanson
The Raven by Tobey Alexander
The Rebels Roar by Helene Forst
The Red Zone by Terry Podnar
The Right Hand of God by Robert Vink
The Road to Sorrowful by Andrea Lawson
The Second Bridge by Julie Miller
The Second by Mark Wallinger
The Secret of Sherwood Forest by Brian Cranwell
The Secret of Sleep by Joshua Katz
The Shadow in the Water by Garrett Ratcliff
The Short Bus by Matthew Saio
The Sixth Kind by Roman Wisnowski
The Soccer Kid by Tommy Musni
The Soldier by Ashley Hudson
The Space Suits by Landon Ashworth
The Sunflower Project by Romario Ashley
The Teacher by Jay Fjestad
The Trials of Thomas(Ine) Hall by Vaughn Roste
The Ugliest Man in Pictures by Ken Krauss
The Very True Existence of Susannah and Her Friends by C. E. Simon
The War Unheard by Adam Sharp
The Wedding Witch by Chad Wellinger
The Weeding by Steve Lucas
The Wrecker by Jack Hilkewich
The Youngest Doughboy by Steve Sterling
Therapeutic by Craig Berger
Thirteen by Michael Rose
Threshold by Bruno Derlin
Tiger Park by Raymond S. Humann
To the Moon and Back by Gareth Mallon
Toccata and Fugue by Jennifer Giacalone
Toledano by Arnon Shorr
Townie by Angela Drake
Transformed by Shannon TL Kearns
Treasure Trap by John Munn
Tristan 552B by Dan Southard
Trolling by Genna Rivieccio
Tuck, Montana by Caden Douglas
Tulipmania by Mikhail Overchenko
Turquoise Mountain by Diane Joy Schmidt
Twelve Miles West by Husani Oakley
Twelve Navy Crosses by Paul Murdock
Twins by Jermaine Maxwell
Two Roads by Stephanie Fedorchak
Two Thieves and a Kleptomaniac by Virginia Youngren
Typhoid Maria by Timothy Porter
Uncle Wuzzy by Isaac Smith
Unconditional by Tully Archer
Unfinished Business by Jonathan Izard
Unplugged by Sophia Arnao
Unsub by Francisco Castro
Untitled Ocean Teleporter Project by Kirk Young
Unyielding Game by Raymond S. Humann
Verdict by Zuzi Fort
Vore by Jerome Marshall
Voyager by Kevin J. Howard
Wake the System by Micah Sloat
Walking by Jeffrey Wank and Jonny Gentry
We Make Great Pets by Grat Crabtree
Whatever Happened to Lincoln Treadwell by Patrick Malone
Where is Juan Moctezuma? by Alaric Rocha
Where Was I (When I Was Where I Was) by Charles Noriega
Where's Sarah by Mary-Frances Sue Meeks
White Pines by Brian Cornell
White Rose by RL Galbraith
Who Is the Chameleon? By Derricke Camack
Widow's Pique by Frances Frankie Rubio
Willow Dale by Maceo Greenberg
Wishing Well by Gary Bickal
Witch Queen by Dayna Noffke
Wolf Notes by Arlene Brimer Mailing
Wolf's Head by Samuel Anderson
Wonderland Creek by Duane Kellogg
WordLotto by Thomas Lopilato
Yoked by Cannon Rosenau
You Don't Know Jack by Andrea Ashton
You Must Be This Tall by Randy Reese
You, Me, & Evil by Steve Holbert
YoungBloods by Stacey Russell
Zero Line by Tim Kontje
Zoo for Monsters by Kim Lozelle
Unique Voices 2022 Winners
Back Fires by Alex Blumberg
Genre Winners
Galahad by Nicholas Pangilinan
Grrrls Drool by Katie Crone
Midnight City by Jay Adams
Bullets Are Blind by Guy Prevost
Fits the Crime by Steve Blame
Back Fires by Alex Blumberg
Playing Dead by Darko Mitrevski
Cosmic Justice by David Carren and Richard B. Gould
The Commentator by Thomas Thonson and Susan Mathison
Roundup to Nowhere by David Nelson
Semi-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
7 on 10 by Samantha Lavin
Action Baby, Action! by Sean Mahoney
Adult Acne by Jade Tremblay
Agnes of Los Angeles by Melinda Maerker
Alien Football Hero by Joel Karlinsky
Back Fires by Alex Blumberg
Bardot by David George
Before She Was Joan by Crecia Mathalia
Betsy and the Emperor by Staton Rabin
Brides and Goddesses by Yasmeen Alkooheji
Bronx Park Thunder by Shaun Vivaris
Buckethead by Lee Redmond
Bullets Are Blind by Guy Prevost
Cactus by L.M. Schmutter
Chameleon by Ariane Hahusseau
Christmas Ain't a Drag by David George
Cold Current by Terrance Thibodeaux
Come What May by Les Zig
Converso by Sam Gold
Cosmic Justice by David Carren and Richard B. Gould
Daddy by Warren Wagner
Dashing through the Snow by Stephen Chrabaszcz
Dawn of the Apocalypse by Bret Grafton
Distant Stars by Illimani Ferreira
Don't Tell a Soul by Dan Stone
Down by the River by Thomas Thonson and Susan Mathison
Elaine Two Worlds by David Williams
Feeding at the Trough by Benjamin Sarno
Fits the Crime by Steve Blame
Freedom World by Willie Ying
Galahad by Nicholas Pangilinan
Girl Writer by Richard Klin
Glenn vs. the Filthiest Woman Alive by Finn Wagstaff
Grrrls Drool by Katie Crone
Gutshot by Anthony Pittore and C.J. Greene
Hail Mary by Marc Prey
HELL.A. by Edward Hamel
Hidden Clasp Locker by Rachel Ingrisano
In the Attic by Jabir Mo
In the Face of Courage by Roopashree Jeevaji
Insight by Eric Murphy
Joust by Liz Lachman
Just One Moore Christmas by Briana Cole
Katfished by Meghan Hughes
King of the Feather Wars by Tim Fitzharris
Labyrinth of Destiny by Ernestina Juarez
Let's Go Kill Your Father by Isabella Rodriguez
Liberated by Matthew Doherty
Lizzy, Gary, Bebe & Trish - Que?! by Jezabel Montero
Love in a Rogue World by Harvey Yazijian
Magic Camp by Liam Fitzgerald
Mahogany Mementos by Helen K. Thomas
Marshal Law by Jaimie Engle
Memento Vivere by B. Paolucci
Mescalero by Anderson Boyd
Midnight City by Jay Adams
Monsters Inside by Nick McDowell
Munchies by Philip Sassi
Nominuum by Diego Kontarovsky
Norse Code by Ahimsa Kerp
One Degree by Broderick Fox
Pin-Up by Liz Lachman
Playing Dead by Darko Mitrevski
Pretty Broken by Maria Pendolino
Primal by Griff Jones
Professor Pepper's Ghost by Jon Miller
Psycho Amore by Willie Hynd
Red Debutante by Ashley Brandt
Remnant Faithful by Andrew Poschner
Roundup to Nowhere by David Nelson
Sanson by Shiva Rodriguez and Duckie Rodriguez
Savant by Johnny Gilligan
Scorpions by Chris Pittas
Serial by Robert Benjamin
Show Me by David Schroeder and Christopher Jackson
Star by Star by Gary Richards
Summoned by Tammy Klembith
The Accidental Terrorist by Stewart Fergus
The Bridge Builder by Michael Greene
The Charioteer by Stephen Lane
The Commentator by Thomas Thonson and Susan Mathison
The Cuban by Faisal Qureshi
The Dreamtripper by Chad Wellinger
The Floating of Hayes by John Woodard
The Future Prime by Glenn Forbes
The Last Good Soraya by T.J. Berry
The Making of Jonno by Keith Miller
The Only Safe Place Left Is the Dark by Warren Wagner
The Passage of Sun by Aaron Braxton
The Primitive Hour by Marni Sullivan
The Princess Reborn by Lee Tidball
This Is Fine by Jim Griffin
Tomboy by Kellie Wood
Triggers by Rich Figel
Twain & Tesla by Aaron Garcia
Valley of the Shadow by Logan Shaw
We Live Just to Die by Calvin Mann
We Never Sleep by Rachel Winton
Wedding Slashers by Nora Jobling
Wet Paint by Jonathan Shatoff
Quarter-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
16 Bars & Waiting by Frederick Burger
7 on 10 by Samantha Lavin
A Couple of Months by Deborah Riley
A Real Man by Magda Pazdej
A Screen Story by Brooke Smith
A Sensible Lunatic by Lyle Deixler
A Shotgun Named Karma by Ronson Duncan
A Study of Sherlock by John Christopher
A Wretch Like Me by Duane Kellogg, Jr.
Action Baby, Action! by Sean Mahoney
Adjacent Beds by Robert Herzog
Adler by Sean Slater
Adult Acne by Jade Tremblay
Adulthood by Sam Macneil
Adulthood by Thomas Thonson
Against the Grain by Stephen Colley
Against the Wall by Mary Cantonis
Agnes of Los Angeles by Melinda Maerker
Air by Steven Freehauf
Alec Guinness: A Kind of Victory by William Baxter
Alice & Charlie by Travis Lemke
Alien Football Hero by Joel Karlinsky
Alien Obsession by A.J. Ferrara
Alphabetas by Jessica Orcsik
Amends by Siena Gostigian
Americana by Dale Wolf
Among the Gods by Justin Stoeckel
Anathema: Pilotus by Bob Singleton
And No One Mourned by Ky Rogers
And Then, This Happened by Steven Feld
Angel Daddy by Lilith Gist
Anika Ronin by Andrew Chan
Ann's War by David Van Hooser
Archibald Kincaid & the Art of the Willful Dreamer by Adam Blockton
Are We Fair Yet? by Susan Sassi
Asher by Francisco Ordonez
Assisted Living by Laura Tucker
Avenue of the Giants by Thomas Thonson
Back Fires by Alex Blumberg
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Bad Seeds by Sean Nash
Bah, Lovebug! A Valentine Carol by James Mason
Bardot by David George
Beautiful Disaster by Scott Burgess
Beauty/Beau by Clare Bradley Smyth
Before Her Time by Julie Umbreit
Before She Was Joan by Crecia Mathalia
Belief in Dawn by Carlos Faro
Betsy and the Emperor by Staton Rabin
Bible Park by Megan Sass
Billie & Mark Almost Get Killed by Sean Reidy
Birnam Wood by J.D. Mathes
Bison Man by Michael Rhodes
Black & Blue by Marvin Reid
Black Lamb by Paul Weil
Bleedthrough by Tammy Klembith
Bleu Dream by Jared Bratt
Blindfold Shoes by Kae Bahar
Blood and Dreams by Suzanne Griffin
Bone Moon by Elizabeth J. Musgrave
Box of Glass by Kevin J. Howard
Breaker's Edge by Morgan Summerfield
Brides and Goddesses by Yasmeen Alkooheji
Bronx Park Thunder by Shaun Vivaris
Broom Goes the Dynamite by Jeffrey Field
Brothers Kerrigan by Kirk Weddell
Buckethead by Lee Redmond
Buckshot Bubblegum by Adrion Trujillo
Bullets Are Blind by Guy Prevost
Burn Pattern by Laura Kemp
By Blood by Cherie Julander
Cactus by L.M. Schmutter
Camouflage and Lipstick by Lawrence Daly
Chameleon by Ariane Hahusseau
Champion of the World! by James Saunders
Chasing Rabbits by Craig Winstead
Chasing the Dark by Mike Bencivenga
Choke by Adam Somang Karlson
Chris Mess by D.A. Stenard
Christmas Ain't a Drag by David George
City of Souls by Chris Pittas
Cold Current by Terrance Thibodeaux
Come What May by Les Zig
Converso by Sam Gold
Cordon by Bart Baker
Cosmic Justice by David Carren and Richard B. Gould
Covergirl by Itziar Varas
Crawfish & Specks by Robert Herzog
Crunch by Julian Hoxter
Curved by Sagar Vasishtha
Daddy by Warren Wagner
Daddy's Little Girl by Rob Poquez
Damsel on a Quest by Jocelyn Manns and Ryan Manns
Dark Matter by Olga Holtz
Darkmatter by Storm Ashwood
Dashing through the Snow by Stephen Chrabaszcz
Dawn of the Apocalypse by Bret Grafton
Dead Mom Friend Summertime Fun Club by Alex Walker
Death From Above by Jonathan Shatoff
Death Is Normal by Brendan Fitzgibbons
Deepwater Sound by John Henry Gabriel
Desert 10 by Zachary Tomlinson
Desert Star News by Robert Haus
Desolation by Frank Kelly
Dibble and Dabble by Louis Ferrante and Alasdair McMullan
Dimebag by Jimmy Prosser and Rohan Shankar
Distant Stars by Illimani Ferreira
Don't Call It Frisco by Albert Stroth
Don't Go There by Jeffrey Field
Don't Tell a Soul by Dan Stone
Down by the River by Thomas Thonson and Susan Mathison
Dracula by Madison Sean Flannery
Dream Concierge by Spencer Michlin
Drill'd by Joshua Hughes
Droid Hunter by Robert Bielak
Dust on Dirt by Adele Smaill
East of No West by Greg Brooks
El Pavo Bravo by Austin Savage
Elaine Two Worlds by David Williams
Envie by James Mason
Explosion at Black Tom! by James Saunders
Extinction by Kirk Weddell
Eyes Of Eve by Dan Bronzite
Facing Heaven by Kirk Weddell
Fake It! by Phillip Hollins
Falcon Raiders by S.J. Mills
Far From Help by Michael Faunce-Brown
Fear by Peter Jang
Feeding at the Trough by Benjamin Sarno
Fics by Chloe Spencer
Field of Weeds by Kelly Jean Karam
Fits the Crime by Steve Blame
Flicker by Jessica Grace
For the Love of God - The Meliorists by James Grant
For the Method by Les Zig
Forgotten Valor by Richard Dwyer
Freak by Amire Ohebsion
Freedom World by Willie Ying
Galahad by Nicholas Pangilinan
Gang of One: Hurricane Ron by C.J. Hatch
Garden of Eva by Anthony Torino Blevins and Eva Cassini Stark
Garden of Lost Souls by James Mason
Garment by Shannon Amborn
Gimme Shelter by Eloise Healey
Girl Writer by Richard Klin
Glass Stars by Kat King
Glenn vs. the Filthiest Woman Alive by Finn Wagstaff
Gloomtown by Lyndal Simpson
Goal-Oriented by Gustavo Melo
Grrrls Drool by Katie Crone
Guns of Perdition by Jim Spivey
Gutshot by Anthony Pittore and C.J. Greene
Hail Mary by Marc Prey
Halfway to Heaven by Carmine Bicchetti
Happy Birthday! by Nathan Cowan
Heart of Brass by Eileen Wolter
Heavy by Collette Legault
Hel, the Last Saga by Carole Starcevic
HELL.A. by Edward Hamel
Hidden Clasp Locker by Rachel Ingrisano
Hideaway by Griff Jones
High Ground by Thomas Thonson
Holy Adolescence by Nicholas Dragonetti
Homicidal by Stefania Fumo
How Are You Blooming Lately? by Sam Macneil
Hunter X by Becca Barnes
If I Can't Dance to It, It's Not My Revolution by Sara Cooper
Imagine/Nation by Philip Krampf
In Jade Moonlight by Craig Stewart
In the Attic by Jabir Mo
In the Face of Courage by Roopashree Jeevaji
Inappropriate by Jade Tremblay
Inheritance by Matthew Batten
Insight by Eric Murphy
International Ice Patrol!!! by Jaime Kawamoto
Interpol by Patrice Williams-Marks
Isokon by Kevin Karp
Jane's Eve by Stefan Carow
Jessamine Tears by Brett Bowker
Jingi by Nicholas Pangilinan
Joan of Arc: The Series by Carole Starcevic
John H. Watson, Crime Doctor by Timothy Liebe
John Scott by Patty McCarthy
Joplin by Claudia Valentino
Journey to Now by James Mason
Joust by Liz Lachman
Just One Moore Christmas by Briana Cole
Kahuna by Rich Figel
Kandlestick Men by Frank Monteleone
Katfished by Meghan Hughes
Keeper of the Night by Sandra Ann Gibson
Kill Me, Kismet by David Hartstone
King of the Feather Wars by Tim Fitzharris
Kyra by Gil Seltzer
Labyrinth of Destiny by Ernestina Juarez
Last Night by Matthew Batten
Legacy by Rebekah Reaves
Legend of the Suffolk County Crew by Jeru Berry
Let's Go Kill Your Father by Isabella Rodriguez
Liberated by Matthew Doherty
Lieutenant Henry Gallant by Harry Alesso
Lifelink by Johnny Gilligan
Little Green Mend by Brian Menz and Linda Whitmore
Little Hollywood by James Mason
Lizzy, Gary, Bebe & Trish - Que?! by Jezabel Montero
Londonauts by Paul Glen Neuman
Long Live John Africa! by Sean Slater
Love in a Rogue World by Harvey Yazijian
Madeleine's Reflection by Ariane Hahusseau
Mafia Beach Club by Amanda M. Miller
Magic Camp by Liam Fitzgerald
Magic Time by David Miller
Mahogany Mementos by Helen K. Thomas
Major League Drones by Selvir Katich
Making Other Plans by Deron Sedy
Malled by Lee Tidball
Man Under by Thomas Thonson
Marriage is a Joke by Lauren Schwein
Marshal Law by Jaimie Engle
Mary, Mary by Amira Richler
Masters of Arabian Nights by Kiera Bratton Lewis
Memento Vivere by B. Paolucci
Memories of My Father by Paul Spreadbury
Mescalero by Anderson Boyd
Midnight City by Jay Adams
Milk Men by Paul Glen Neuman
Miss Conduct by William Sharkey and Trevor Meyer
Modal by Kyle Jutkiewicz
Monsters Inside by Nick McDowell
Moonrise by Rebekah Mueller
Morbidly by Don Stroud
Mortal Men by Harvey Yazijian
Munchies by Philip Sassi
Mutiny in the Dugout by Rod Kent
My Monster by David Carren
My New Quince by Nicola Chase
Myall by Vaughn Roste
Mythos by Ryan Lange
Natalia by Jose Portillo
Newton by William Zide
Nisei by Eliot Hagen
Nominuum by Diego Kontarovsky
Norse Code by Ahimsa Kerp
Nothing Personal by Robin Chappell
Olivia Can't Drive by Isobel Bradbury
Omega Point by Kirk Weddell
Once Upon a Time in Australia by Storm Ashwood
One Degree by Broderick Fox
Orchid Heist by Ryan Manns and Jocelyn Manns
Orgasmica by Amir Ohebsion
Outrider by Paul Glen Neuman
Pact Arcanum by Arshad Ahsanuddin and Toby Osborne
Patience by Chris Ross Leong
Pin-Up by Liz Lachman
Placements by Robert Herzog
Playing Dead by Darko Mitrevski
Poe Boyz by David Van Hooser
Pokey Nose by Tami Ryder
Polarized by Tom Mishra
Polydactyly by Joni Rodgers
Poor Man's Son by Jennifer Giacalone
Pretty Broken by Maria Pendolino
Primal by Griff Jones
Professor Pepper's Ghost by Jon Miller
Project Europa by Scott Seagren
Psycho Amore by Willie Hynd
Rabbit Ears by Joseph Schorr
Rage of Shadows by Les Zig
Reckless Behaviour by Joe Favalaro
Red Debutante by Ashley Brandt
Red Devil and Tail by Adam Hersh
Reformation by Stefan Alexander Mannes and Stephen Morgan-MacKay
Regimented by Hannah Cargill
Remnant Faithful by Andrew Poschner
Rise of the Seven by Henry Brown
Roach by G.L. McQueary
Robbing to Write by Donna Bellorado
Roswell by Philip Krampf
Rough Surface by Tim Brennan
Roundup to Nowhere by David Nelson
Sam by Dave Mac
Sanson by Shiva Rodriguez and Duckie Rodriguez
Sappho by Sydney Sterling
Saturday Morning Siege by Robert Walcott
Savant by Johnny Gilligan
Saving Love by Tammy Klembith
Saving Mark Twain by Staton Rabin
Scorpions by Chris Pittas
Serial by Robert Benjamin
Sex & Death by Thomas Thonson
Shadow of Dharma by Mark Perlick
Shady Glen by Jodi Teti and Steven Stiefel
Sharctic by Esa Nurminen
Shelter in Place by Max Orkis
Show Me by David Schroeder and Christopher Jackson
Simulation by Peter Jang
Sin Mi Familia (Without My Family) by Phillip Hollins
Slaughterhouse by Mike Worby
Slowpoke: The Slowest Gun in the West by Wallace Wang
Sol by Alex Bright
Someday, Maybe by Nora Jobling
Space Pirates by Barry Kohl and Jim Giblin
Speak English by Kieran Angelini
Speak of the Wolf by Sender Tarlovsky
Spirit Week by Jeremy Merrifield
Spitfire by Bridget Visser
Star by Star by Gary Richards
Stay Positive by Larry Collins
Still Perfect by Michael Fitzer and Karin Partin Wells
Stinkpot by Andrew Smith
Sucking in the Seventies by Bob Cousins
Summoned by Tammy Klembith
Sun Woman, Moon Man by Lyndal Simpson
Super Zeros by Jaye Blohm
Survival of the Fittest by Patricia Childress
Taken & Afraid by Ronson Duncan
TARO: Legend of Japan by Blue Spruell
Teach Me by Franz Hill
Terminally Online by Mary Ashley Burton
Terrible Beauty by Matthew Doherty
Territory by Gavin Van Horn
Terror Team by Sean Reidy
The Accidental Terrorist by Stewart Fergus
The Afterlife of Erotica Evans by Harvey Yazijian
The Age of Desire by Suzanne Griffin
The Banner by Ernestina Juarez
The Barista by Sean Dalton
The Beats by Kyle Finnegan
The Bridge Builder by Michael Greene
The Charioteer by Stephen Lane
The Christmas Break by Chee Ho
The Commentator by Thomas Thonson and Susan Mathison
The Cuban by Faisal Qureshi
The Cycle of Soil by Tammy Lynne Stoner
The Darkest Light by B.E. Marvis
The Department of Easy Virtue by Gary Blackwood
The Devil and Dick Gregory by Sean Slater
The Dreamtripper by Chad Wellinger
The Duke and Duchess of Queens by Jezabel Montero
The Electric War by Arthur Tiersky
The Fighting First by Alex Stephens
The Floating of Hayes by John Woodard
The Floating World by Michael Rhodes
The Fourth Way by Sherry Chow
The Futility of Hopelessness by Les Zig
The Future Prime by Glenn Forbes
The God Killers by Faisal Qureshi
The Gravedigger by Lyndal Simpson
The Heartbreakers Club by Lexi Nicholas
The Inn by Chris Feaster
The Italian Lover by Suzanne Griffin
The James King Version by David Schroeder
The Jeweler's Daughter by J.D. Mathes
The Klink by Nicholas Celentano
The Lady Birds by Kim Strickland-Sargent
The Last Deer by Jack Vandagriff and Elaine L. Liu
The Last Good Soraya by T.J. Berry
The Last Santa by Michael Rhodes
The Laughter of Strangers by Monica Levy
The Lion of Engaziwa by J. Woods
The Long Way Home by John McCarney
The Making of Jonno by Keith Miller
The Man Who Killed Hitler by Fausto Politi
The Market by Dillon Mastromarino
The Means by Danny Katz
The Million Year Shift by Sam Collins
The Monk by Ariane Hahusseau
The Navajo and the Astronaut by Jane Therese
The Nicest Person Here by Katie Crone
The Only Safe Place Left Is the Dark by Warren Wagner
The Oscared'24 by Slava Babenkov
The Outpost by Tonia Kempler
The Passage of Sun by Aaron Braxton
The Percipient by Leon Masters
The Pitch by Liv Gerde
The President's Daughter by Sylvie Beaudin
The Primitive Hour by Marni Sullivan
The Princess Reborn by Lee Tidball
The Red Realm by Joseph DeBella
The Remedy or A Surrealist History of Remedios Varo by Janit Baldwin
The Scythe by Terrance Thibodeaux
The Sensualist - A Woman in Black by Suzanne Griffin
The Sixth Kind by Alexander Wisnowski
The Special Period by Nimat Jones
The Stoker Society by Alex Paulk
The Summer Everything Went by Sam Macneil
The Summer We Ran by William Taylor
The Teenage Tasting Collective by L. Andrew Cooper
The Third Strike by Harvey Yazijian
The Unknowing by Mark Wachholz
The Wanting Party by Drew Westcott
The War Angels by Monica Arisman
The War by Isaiah Francis
The Whirlwind by Billie Harris
This Is Fine by Jim Griffin
Time Janitors by Ryan Manns and Jocelyn Manns
Timeless by Steven Freehauf
Timepiece by Jim Suthers
Tomboy by Kellie Wood
Transfiguration by Glenn Forbes
Transgression by Kirk Weddell
Tribute Band - The Rey Rayban Story by James Mason
Triggers by Rich Figel
Tuxedo Terrace by Carmine Bicchetti
Twain & Tesla by Aaron Garcia
Two Stoned Ladies by Justin Nosler
Umzabalazo by Brian Flaccus
Under the Sea by Nathan Cowan
Unlocked by Hunter Cline
Valley of the Shadow by Logan Shaw
Van 59 by Brian Trotter
Violet by Sarah Deakins
Virtual Reality by Barry Kohl and Joseph L. Harrison
Vivandière by James Temple
Voices by Susan Klos
War-Bots by Rich Figel and Jamie Nash
Watching Dad by Bill Wells
Water House by Alice Charles
We Live Just to Die by Calvin Mann
We Never Sleep by Rachel Winton
We Reggret to Inform You by David Miller
Wedding Slashers by Nora Jobling
Weightless by Anna Hooper
Welcome to Highville by David White
West to the Dawn by Robert Bielak
Wet Paint by Jonathan Shatoff
What's Your Sign? by Isobel Bradbury
When the World was Square by Irwin Greenstein
Where We Came From by Julia Morizawa
Why Goofy Hates Mickey by Rick Helin
Written by Henrietta Bloom by Robin Shushan
Written Off by Yasmine Kurukgyu
You Don't Know Jack by Les Zig
Yuanfen by Lynn Mills and Briana London
Zadie by Marya Mazor
Unique Voices 2021 Winners
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea George Turner
Genre Winners
Boat People by David Kane
FRANKENFAMILY by Stephanie Bast
Birdsong by Jennifer Dunn
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea Turner
In the Pocket by Ryan Goldblum
Crush the Monster by Alex Odaguar
Perdition by Leon Masters
Majority Rules by E. Amato
Slugger by J. Miller
Wild Datura by Bernadett Belinda York
Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Birdsong by Jennifer Dunn
Boat People by David Kane
Crush the Monster by Alex Odaguar
Deadshot Girls by Heidi James
FRANKENFAMILY by Stephanie Bast
Goodbye, Kid. Hurry Back by Terri Kauffman
In the Pocket by Ryan Goldblum
Incarnations by Albert M. Chan
Ivy by Nicole Dawson
Long Live John Africa! by Sean Slater
Mabon by Simon Doyle
Majority Rules by E. Amato
Men of Color by Don Kearby
On Duty by Carole Starcevic, Orso Vesperini, Aurèle N'Dja, Toby Osborne, and R. Lee Brown
Perdition by Leon Masters
Second Sight by Marc Ellis
Slugger by J. Miller
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea Turner
Wild Datura by Bernadett Belinda York
Semi-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
285 Famous by Tramaine Renee
A Family Reunion by Xavier Burgin and Thomas Wright
A Kiss After Sunset by Daron Ross
A Poor Girl From Texas by Kristan Hunt
Aarti (and Other Misadventures in Jackson Heights) by Aayushman Pandey
Absolved by Kyle Curry
Adeliz by A. S. Thompson
Alpenglow by Katja Meier
Alpha 8 by Stephanie Elie
An Invincible Summer by Goldie Jones
Animal Uprising by R Christian Maxfield
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Baguettes for Life! by Kevin Naughton
Bedlam by Julia Bucci
Belsnickle by Chuck McClelland
Bingo by Annie Houdha and Rupi Kaur
Birdsong by Jennifer Dunn
Bleed Just Like Us by Ezekiel Walker
Blue Veil by Shireen Alihaji
Boat People by David Kane
Born Into Darkness by Shawn Palmer
Brightest Stars by Ruth Hernandez
Browser Wars by Yusuf Gad
Can You Keep a Secret by Kayla Anderson
Christmas Cheer by Cynthia Riddle and Peter Hunziker
Christmas In Paradise by Joshua Katz
Clarion Bay by Ellen Shanley
Contact High by Gary White
Copycat Killer by Tyierra Henderson
Coyote by Fredrick Leach
Crush the Monster by Alex Odaguar
Curtains by Cynthia Riddle
Dancin' With The Devil by Lyndon McGill
Dark Shepherd by Abraham Marcos
Dead Name by Audrey Webb
Dead Parents Society by Aliki Raisis and Emma Rosenthal
Deadshot Girls by Heidi James
Death of a Nightingale by Annika Pampel
Deep East Texas by Rachel Liebling
Deep Yearning by Galia Barkol and Noelle Wilson
Define Slut by Geonnie Wilson
Dirt by Brandon Reece
E.Y.E. by Ariel Relaford
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
F OR WAR D by Samuel Nuñez
Fairview Cantata by Deron Albright
Fics by Chloe Spencer
Fire Load by Laura Kemp
Firehorse by Chee Ho
Fogtown by Ari Gold
Francesca's Passion by Lisa Mouhibian
FRANKENFAMILY by Stephanie Bast
F-YOU! I'm a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Ghost Girl by Celia Ball
Girl On A Swing by Shanna Reed
Good Chance by Tricia Lee
Good Looking Corpse by Arkadi De Rakoff
Goodbye, Kid. Hurry Back by Terri Kauffman
Goodkidz by John Fisher
Granuaile -- Pirate Queen by Laura Murphy
Grave by Blake Evernden
Here We Van Gogh Again! by Judith Claire
Homecoming by Rae Binstock
House of Jade by Tomek Chenczke
Idiosyncrasy by Jamir Khan
I'll Take Care of You by Brian McQuery
In The Pocket by Ryan Goldblum
In Transit by Alex Sarrigeorgiou
Incarnations by Albert M. Chan
Ivy by Nicole Dawson
Jellyfish In The Sky by Brandon Kessler
Jumpman by Matthew Breault and Alex George Pickering
Kiss & Makeup by Catherine Durickas
Liberation by Stephen Colley
Little Green Mend by Brian Menz and Linda Whitmore
Long Live John Africa! by Sean Slater
Love Has No Boundaries by Ashok Ambardekar
Mabon by Simon Doyle
Mahogany Mementos by Helen Thomas
Majority Rules by E. Amato
Mansplaino by Dava Whisenant and Steve Young
Meg and May by Chloe Spencer
Memphis Biggs & The Chickasaw Gambit by Gregory Lemmons
Men of Color by Don Kearby
Migrant Mothers by Ashley Rebecca Farley
Minerva Claus by Veronica Tabares
Missing Pieces by Julia Skikavich
Mississippi Mace by Rissa Thomas
Mommy by Emily Wahlund
Monsters in Ohio by Mike DeBarr
Mother at War by Vicki Peterson
Nevermore by Michael Goedecke
No Direction Home by Marnie Collins
Noob by Zina Kresin
Octave Pilot by Erica Scott
Olvidame by F.R. Drakaea
On Duty by Carole Starcevic, Orso Vesperini, Aurèle N'Dja, Toby Osborne, and R. Lee Brown
Our Own Little Something by Ava Feneberger
Pedal Power by Nu Ra
Perdition by Leon Masters
Phantasmal by Stephanie Aris
Picket Charlie by Michael Graf
Potter's Ground by Pearse Lehane
Pure by Nava Silton
Purity Sterling by Robert Gallagher
Queen of Newburgh by Lisa Cole and Veronica Moody
Rat City by Robert Herold
Refeeding by Kerry Broderick
Rewriter by Tomek Chenczke
Riding with Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
Rolling on Eggshells by Allan Hill
Roundup to Nowhere by David Nelson
Ruby Slipper by Dan Williams
Sacred Profanity by Malcolm Wong
SCOTUS by Alan Jenkins
Screenplays "Pilot" by Stephanie Oehrlein
Searching for Sheida by Anne Cattaruzza
Second Sight by Marc Ellis
Sheldon Seen by Peter Feuchtwanger
Slaves to the Rhythm by Terry Connell
Sleeping on Stones by Nicole Ballivian
Slugger by J. Miller
Snapped by Heather Turman and David Mickel
Snitch by Jaye Nolan
Soulfunny! by Tonya Vann
Starcrossed by Jeffrey Howe
Starlight by Hunter Cline
Stay With Me by Keri Picolla
The Ascendant by Chuck Cox
The Assistant Curator by Richard Bailey
The Babysitting Diaries by E. Amato
The Banner by Ernestina Juarez
The Cleaning Crew by Nancy Beverly
The Cure by Ashley Hall
The Darkling Game by William Brown
The Defiant One by Veialu Aila-Unsworth
The Dream Jumper's Promise by Kim Hornsby
The Esther Code by Esa Nurminen
The Euripides Engine by Peter Andrews
The Expat by Randy Steinlauf
The Fairy and the Architect by Paula Redlefsen
The Far Corner by Dawn Greenfield Ireland
The Fisherman of Islamorada by Cillian Dunne
The Great Montana Road Race by Jeffrey Smith
The Hardest Road There Is by Benjamin Feldman
The Imaginarium by Jennifer Martin
The Lionesses and The Eagle by Anne-Marie Caluwaert
The Lonely Gold Digger by Brenda Clarke
The Moor by Thomas Thonson
The Mystery of the Hornet Ghost Lights by Craig Proudley and Kelly Chen
The Real McCoy by Michael Weinreb
The Republic of West Florida by Sam Gold
The Ruin of Eden by Jessica Romagnoli and Patrick Ireland
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea Turner
The Surrealist by Chelsea Hazzard
The Surveillance of Ordinary Things by Susan Brunig
The Tenant by Janet J. Lawler
The Vessels by Anna Elias
The Whisperers by Travis J. Opgenorth
This Is The Last Time by Jeff Bretl
Through the Veil by Peter Macaluso
Title IX by Ryan Greenwood
Torched by Sarah Knapp
Truffled by Dayle Dodds
Unbrotherly Love by Nick Abdo
Vagabond by Bob Reynolds
Valeria Queen Of The Night by Julia Koyfman
Verity's Game by Jennifer Giacalone
Vicious by Amir Ohebsion and Omid Arabian
Villette by Don Thompson
Walk that Sexy Talk by Dev Ross
Welcome To Movie World by Bryan Bordon
Wendigo by David Zuckerman
Wendy the Domme by Rachel Music
What Daphne Saw by Lizz Marshall
Whiteness of Bones by Melissa White
Wild Datura by Bernadett Belinda York
Wild Horses by Brian Kowalchuk
Wish This Day Would End by William Wonders III
With Malice Toward None by Lee Field
Woke by Johnny Gilligan
X by Stéphanie Joalland
You Call This Love by Carol Hoffman
Quarter-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
15 by Timothy McClelland
1st and 10 to Life by Derrick Painter
285 Famous by Tramaine Renee
2nd Rate Fairy by Tony Ferrendelli
3 Month Slide by Mike Hurst
6-0-PHO Restaurant by Danny Van
86 by Drew Wagner
A Beast in Heaven, a Man in Exile by Pag Kravvas
A Billion to One by Thomas Scott
A Book About Ned by Alison Thrash and Ben Amandes
A Carol by Rebecca Leigh
A Family Reunion by Xavier Burgin and Thomas Wright
A Future Without by Misty Waters and M.D. Waters
A Gentleman of Good Hope by Christina Hulen
A Genuine Narrative of Deplorable Deaths by Blaine Tyler
A History of Fascist New York by Fredrick Leach
A Kiss After Sunset by Daron Ross
A Logical Explanation by Roberto Negron
A Poor Girl From Texas by Kristan Hunt
A Poppet for the Priest by Jonah Jones
A Revolutionary Act by Lisa Russell
A Rift That Lies Between Us by Nasiha Muna
A Sharp Mind by Jeff Kongs
Aarti (and Other Misadventures in Jackson Heights) by Aayushman Pandey
Absolved by Kyle Curry
Addictive by T.L. Tribble
Adeliz by A. S. Thompson
Against The Grain by Stephen Colley
Agent 355 by Christine Baker
Alamo Steel by Adam Dooley
Alec Guinness: A Kind of Victory by William Baxter
All Hands On Dick by Paul Glen Neuman and Mark Edward Neuman
Alpenglow by Katja Meier
Alpha 8 by Stephanie Elie
Ambition Girl by Paula Walks
American Fallout by Harry Kakatsakis
An Invincible Summer by Goldie Jones
An Unbalanced Line by Kristy Leigh Lussier
And No One Mourned by Ky Rogers
Angel of Rain by Lawrence Kennon
Animal Uprising by R Christian Maxfield
Apache Street by Sal Baldenegro
Arcana by Chandler Patton
Ashes by Kevin Brodie
Ashmodiel, or How to be a Better Demon by Jason Williams
Atascosa by T. W. Lawrence
Atom Bravo by Rob Rex
Average by Kelly Stanphill
Baby Queens by Sydney Painter
Bad Romance by Chad Wellinger
Baguettes for Life! by Kevin Naughton
BAM! "The Ring" by David Christopher Loya
Bandit War by Michael Angelella
Bar Fight: A Love Story by James Grayford
Baroness by Brent Hartinger
Battle Of Lough Swain by Sean Keating
Beast of Virginia by Matthew Corley
Bedlam by Julia Bucci
Belsnickle by Chuck McClelland
Better Angels by Gary Bickal
Betwixtmas by Cheri Steinkellner
Beware the Wolf by Karl White
Billie & Mark Almost Get Killed by Sean Reidy
Bingo by Annie Houdha and Rupi Kaur
Bird Brain by Barbara Jackson
Birdsong by Jennifer Dunn
Black Cat Crossing by Ramona Taylor
Black Kaleidoscope by Alison Rayner
Black Power by John Fisher
BlackTop by Alexis Adkins
Bleed Just Like Us by Ezekiel Walker
Blood War Lineage by Alessandra Pinkston
Bloodhound by Danny Katz
Blue Veil by Shireen Alihaji
Boat People by David Kane
Boil Your Blood by Sam Kench
Born Into Darkness by Shawn Palmer
Box Canyon High School by Ernestina Juarez
Brickbat by Mark Donnell
Brightest Stars by Ruth Hernandez
Briney! by Will Stabile
Broken by Maria D'Haene
Brother's Keeper by Christy Daniels
Browser Wars by Yusuf Gad
Bucky Johnson by James Barnes and Garrett Vanderwielen
Burn It Down by Chelsea Totten
Burned by Joshua Pitta
By Blood by Cherie J
Can You Keep a Secret by Kayla Anderson
Can You See Me Now by Brittany Chase
Canvas by Katherine Sanderson
CareFull by Talie Melnyk
Casually Dying by Aviva Peltin
Cavalier by Sydney Painter
Caveat Emptor by Ray Goldberg
Central Park by isaiah francis
Channel Surfing by Iselle Slome and Vickie Toro
Charlie Horse by Zack Frizzell
Chasing Fathers by Marc Henderson
Christen Thee by Kristopher Garcia-Simms
Christmas Cheer by Cynthia Riddle and Peter Hunziker
Christmas In Paradise by Joshua Katz
Christmas On Mavis Street by Bernard Mendillo
Circle of Malice by Sean Mason
Circles by J LocalzOnly
City of Stars by Ryan Nellis
Clarion Bay by Ellen Shanley
Classified by Simon Warne
Close Enough To Perfect by Dan Williams
Cloud to Ground by Ellen Lent
Code by Dan Sabourin
Columbia Road by Paul Lavoie
Confessions of a Horny Teenager by Nick Abdo
Confessions of a Zombie Girl in a Human World by Karma Christine Salvato
Contact High by Gary White
Copycat Killer by Tyierra Henderson
Coyote by Fredrick Leach
Cozen by Ricky Tyree
Crabs in a Motherf*cking Bucket by Kari Mote
Cream by Michael Skaide
Creature Stirring by Holly Lancaster
Creta by George Mastrogiorgis
Crippled by Brian Kettler
Crossover by Mark Renshaw
Crush the Monster by Alex Odaguar
Currently Katie by Hannah Petosa
Curtains by Cynthia Riddle
Daddy Issues by Andrew MacQuarrie
Dancin' With The Devil by Lyndon McGill
Dark Holiday by James Lemke
Dark Pacific by Jeff Chasin
Dark Shepherd by Abraham Marcos
Dark Side of the Canyon by Dylan Moran
Dawn Of The Apocalypse by Bret Grafton
Dead & Alone by Nicole Betz
Dead Man's Gulch by Rob Rex
Dead Name by Audrey Webb
Dead Parents Society by Aliki Raisis and Emma Rosenthal
Deadshot Girls by Heidi James
Dear Diary by Mark Layne
Death Metal by Ari Silver
Death of a Nightingale by Annika Pampel
Deathday by Amir Ohebsion and Omid Arabian
Debbie's Dry Spell by Vanessa Every-Burns
Declaration of Conscience by Beth Milstein
Deep East Texas by Rachel Liebling
Deep Well Clinic by Gabriell Paye
Deep Yearning by Galia Barkol and Noelle Wilson
Define Slut by Geonnie Wilson
Defunded by Ruby Smith
Demonology by Joe Bronzi, Lindsay Gelfand & Buddy Fitzpatrick
Demons 4 Dummies by Rollin Jewett
Desert Star News by Robert Haus
Devil's Lake by Jay Fisher
Dick 2.0 by Henry Sarwer-Foner
Dicks by Cristi Rumpza
Dirt by Brandon Reece
Disasterman by Mark C. Spera
Disconnect by Dan Bronzite
Disordered by Parrish Hurley
Do Not Go Gently by Tara Jean O'Brien
Doctor Detective by Emilio Santin
Domovina by Kate Surinskaya
Donny by Chris Valenti
Down South, Up North by Catherine Vouvray
Drinking in Church by Kieran Angelini
Driving Miss Doha by Richard Spencer
Driving Mussolini by Samy Maskell
E.Y.E. by Ariel Relaford
Earthlings 2048 by Oliver Warren
Earthrise by Rene Claveau
East Side Story by William (Bill) Swanson
Eg and the Elephants by Susan Hahn
El Pavo Bravo by Austin Savage
Emily Quiver by Aaron Smith
Emptied by Karen Sandler
Entry Level by Michael Galat
Erica Joins the Cyberpatriots by Joseph Cautilli
Esperanza by David Christopher Loya
Essay on Intimacy by Jose Luna
Evicted by Teresa Godfrey
F OR WAR D by Samuel Nuñez
Færlandia by Jai Brandon
Fairview Cantata by Deron Albright
Fics by Chloe Spencer
Finally! by Sean Nash
Finding Eden by Brad Dude
Fire Load by Laura Kemp
Firebird by David Jones
Firehorse by Chee Ho
Fires of Saint Sebastian by Tomek Chenczke
First Drop of Rain by James Brosnahan
Fits the Crime by Steve Blame
Five Kingdoms by Craig Koller
Five Thousand Years by Jim Grieco
Flinch by Steve Savitz
Fogtown by Ari Gold
For Love of Country by Ron Basso and Tony Basso
For the Love of God - Ep 11 - Switzer Servant Priest by James Grant
Forced Evolution by Jeff Cochran
Forever After by Emil Faithe
Foundtown by Chelsea Totten
Foxes by Gregory Fishwick
Francesca's Passion by Lisa Mouhibian
FRANKENFAMILY by Stephanie Bast
Frankie & Fabulous by Kimberly Shumate
Fraudulent Claims by Chris McLean
F-YOU! I'm a Teacher by Michael Lipoma
Genghis Khan by Shyaam Karra
George and Emily by James Thornton
Gesualdo by Vaughn Roste
Ghost Girl by Celia Ball
Ginni by David Christopher Loya
Girl On A Swing by Shanna Reed
Going by Brian O'Donnell
Good Chance by Tricia Lee
Good Looking Corpse by Arkadi De Rakoff
Goodbye, Kid. Hurry Back by Terri Kauffman
Goodkidz by John Fisher
Granuaile -- Pirate Queen by Laura Murphy
Grave by Blake Evernden
Ha-ha Funny by Jasmeen Siddiqui
Hail Mary by Marc Prey
Halfway to Heaven by Carmine Bicchetti
Happily Never After by Almas Haidery
Hard Work by Horton Emory
Hardcore 84 by Victor Tamayo
Harnessers by Phillip McSween
Hawaii Calls by Rick Helin
Heartbeat of Harlem by Derek Adams
Her Majesty's Spymistress by Marcus Goodwin
Here and Now by Chandler Hubbard
Here Kitty Kitty by Dana Hammer and Marcus McGee
Here We Van Gogh Again! by Judith Claire
Hidden by Noah Ruderman
Highly Organized "Spin the Knife" by Cal George
Hoboken House by Lynne Perlman
Home for Hanukkah by Aviva Peltin
Homecoming by Rae Binstock
Homicidal by Stefania Fumo
Horoscope by Darren Lau
House of Jade by Tomek Chenczke
How to Snatch a Crown by Dan Hass
Hurry Up and Wait by Mitch Bechtold
Hush, Hush, Hulagirl by GB Hajim
I Know What You're Thinking. by Susannah Ward
Ideal Man by Jimmy Clabots
Idiosyncrasy by Jamir Khan
I'll Be You by Maria Sanchez
I'll Take Care of You by Brian McQuery
In Eden by Holly Beck
In The Pocket by Ryan Goldblum
In the Sack by Arthur Tiersky
In Transit by Alex Sarrigeorgiou
Incarnations by Albert M. Chan
Inhabitor by Sam Danesh
Innards by Eva Pollitt
Inpatient by Simon Doyle
Inside by Elise Salomon
Inside Me by Darien Harte
Inside Out by Lisa Renee Jones
Insurrection by Simon Bowler
Ivan In Love - 3 by Bill Haefer
Ivy by Nicole Dawson
Jail Break by Jordan Taylor
Jane by Kay Ownbey
Jasmine by Israela Margalit
Jellyfish In The Sky by Brandon Kessler
Jewels Are Thrown by Steven Weller
Jimmy & Jara from Outta Space (pka Alien Circus) by Anton Diether
Joshua's Exceptional Pheromones by Nili Segal
Jumpman by Matthew Breault and Alex George Pickering
Junior Varsity by Krista Gallagher
Just Jane by Carl Huebner
Keep Talking by Joseph Lee
Kevin's Other Kevins by Gordon Hvolka
Kill for Love by Maceo Greenberg and Laura Picklesimer
Killed Twice in Texas by Jayson Crittenden
Killer App by Sean Gallagher
King of the Feather Wars by Tim Fitzharris
Kiss & Makeup by Catherine Durickas
Knocked Offstride by Robert Hamm
LA RÉVOLUTION! by Lyric Fergusson
Land of the Dying Fire by Robert Mirek and Charles Campbell
Last Seat on Capsule X by Aaron Sutch
Lead Change by Gwyn Gordon
Leilani by Norman Johnson
Leona Katlego: Internal Beast by Courtney Juricek
Liberation by Stephen Colley
Life After Camp by Mike Miller
Life During Wartime "Nowhere Fast" by Mark Bowes
Life of Groupies by Joanne Rose
Lincoln File by Josh Price
Lions and Pencils by Yiyi Liu
Little Green Mend by Brian Menz and Linda Whitmore
Little Island of Joy by Christopher Carlson
Long Live John Africa! by Sean Slater
Long Way Home by Jamaal Pittman
Losing It by Ricardo Lira
Lost Treasure by John McCarney
Lot by Collin Langham
Love Has No Boundaries by Ashok Ambardekar
Love, Or Something Like It by Gavin Cutter
Loving Me Straight by Ruby Smith
Lunatic Laundry by Travis Lemke
Lush by Kathleen Werner
Luz by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
Mabon by Simon Doyle
Machine Mother by Karen Bryson and Candace Segar
Madeline and the Submarine by Andrew Green
Magical Manhattan by Laura Thompson
Mahogany Mementos by Helen Thomas
Majority Rules by E. Amato
Malama Katana by Sean Harflinger
Mansplaino by Dava Whisenant and Steve Young
Marajuana Blues by Richard Bailey
Mason's Cove by Ky Rogers
Matching Parts by Ivan Toth
Matchsticks 2.0 by Shane Walsh-Smith
McCallister Park by Steven Harris and Joyce P. King
Meatheads! by Bryan Bordon
Meet Me at Maxim's by Adam Korbitz and Anastasia Korbitz
Meg and May by Chloe Spencer
Memphis Biggs & The Chickasaw Gambit by Gregory Lemmons
Men of Color by Don Kearby
Mercy Toys by Elena Perez
Metastasis by Alessandro Guarino
Migrant Mothers by Ashley Rebecca Farley
Minerva Claus by Veronica Tabares
Ming by Katherine Sanderson
Miskatonic U. by Chris Bolton
Miss Narcoamerica by Jules Nurrish
Missing Pieces by Julia Skikavich
Mississippi Mace by Rissa Thomas
Model Minorities by Delon Villanueva
Mommy by Emily Wahlund
Monsters in Ohio by Mike DeBarr
Moose Magic by Catherine Gemmiti
Mother at War by Vicki Peterson
Mother Fracker by Richard Morell
Mourning Glory by Katie Frorer
Mud & Stars by Goldie Jones
Muffin Box by Jaclyn Chan
Mummy at Machu Picchu by Morgan Miller
Muse in the Mazeum by Clay Fusco
Mustang by Gordon Phipps
My Yours His Pilot by Nate Raven
Nemesis by Nonie Shiverick
Nevermore by Michael Goedecke
No Direction Home by Marnie Collins
No Harm, No Foul by Daniel Broderick
No Room for Trouble by Debra Tippit Clark and Patricia Keating
Noob by Zina Kresin
Not My Brother by Kathryn Orwig
Nowhere by Rob Putnam
NZR by Leon Masters
Octave Pilot by Erica Scott
Odysseus by David Barbeschi
Oedipus Hex by Paul Newton and Cheryl Bealer-Wynton
Of All the Money by Travis Ketzak
Olvidame by F.R. Drakaea
On a Field of Legends by Nicholas Julius
On Duty by Carole Starcevic, Orso Vesperini, Aurèle N'Dja, Toby Osborne, and R. Lee Brown
On Paper Wing’s by Nick Davis
Once Upon a Life (27987922) by Jean-Luc Julien
One More Hit by Brad Max
One, Second Summer by Bob Pondillo
Operation Babylift by John McCarney
Or Die Trying by Gregory Nagy
Orphan Mountain by Steve Dini
Our Own Little Something by Ava Feneberger
Out of Order by Christine Torres
Over & Out by Jun Wang
Pandemic Planet -- An Anthology by Bob Canning
Parallax by Sabina Vajraca
Parking Ticket by Alishan Valiani
Parxnts by Hari Ziyad
Peasant Ridge by Frank Anthony Polito
Pedal Power by Nu Ra
People by Tony Akio Cohen
Perdition by Leon Masters
Perfect Zero by Hope McPherson
Persephone Pan by Heidi Hayward
Phantasmal by Stephanie Aris
Phishing for Phoebe by Suzanne Birrell
Picket Charlie by Michael Graf
Plan B by Dawn Greenfield Ireland
Poetic Justice by Guil Parreiras
Pole Moles by David Morris
Potter's Ground by Pearse Lehane
Power Couple by Peter Andrews
Praying for Hannah by Ruth Trippitt
Prey by Jeff Chasin
Pride Floats by James Bergeron
Project M by Jenny Chang
Puppe (Doll) by Kim Barr
Puppet President by Rex Bressler
Pure by Nava Silton
Purgatory Station by J. Elizabeth Martin
Purity Sterling by Robert Gallagher
Pyramid Lake by Jonathan Scott Parker
Quantum Wing by Frederick Blackmon
Quash by John McCarney
Queen of Newburgh by Lisa Cole and Veronica Moody
Queen of Time by Sebastian St. George and Gregg Alfvegren
Queer Company by Craig Weeden
Questionable by Julia Koyfman
Racing Hope by Eric Ingram and Wendy Ingram
Rails by Craig Miller
Rainbow Hunting by Conor Mcfarland
Rat City by Robert Herold
Real Heroes by Richard Hohenrath and Carolina Lovera
Real Housewives Slasher Project by Sydney Painter
Reality Check by Ruth Luoma
Reckoning by Brian McQuery
Reel Friends by Sandra Hodge-Hampton
Refeeding by Kerry Broderick
Remember the Victims by Evan Purcell
Renfield's Syndrome by Richard Jenks
Republic of California by Becca Blackmore
Reset by Gretchen Klein
Rewriter by Tomek Chenczke
Rico and the Trumpets by Russell Brand
Riding with Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
Rigged by Alan Field
Rivals by Ross Martin
Rivkele by Alan Wynzel
Roadblox by Katrina Jaxson
Rolling on Eggshells by Allan Hill
Rooms Of Experience by Steffany Lohn Sommers
Rough and Tumble by David Dalessandro
Roundup to Nowhere by David Nelson
Ruby Slipper by Dan Williams
Runner by Adrian McNair
Saberfish by Richard Alvarez
Sacred Profanity by Malcolm Wong
Salt of the Earth by Leslie Nipkow
Savage Nature by Ryan Becker
Savings Time by Garrett Allen
SCOTUS by Alan Jenkins
Scoundrel by Erin Leafe
Screenplays "Pilot" by Stephanie Oehrlein
Searching for Sheida by Anne Cattaruzza
Second Best Bed by Terri Kauffman
Second Sight by Marc Ellis
Settling the Books by Russ Meyer
Seven Last Words by Vaughn Roste
Seven Thousand Islands by Gary White
Shadow of Death by Richard Bailey
Shadow Run by John Thibault
Shadowman by Mike Miller
She Loves Me She Loves Me Not by PAUL LANE
Sheep by Michele Mathis
Sheldon Seen by Peter Feuchtwanger
Shepherd of the Wayfaring Stars by Jonah Jones
She's Not There by Ali MacLean
Shirtwaist Girls by Karon Aghotte
Show Me Your Teeth by Scott Liapis
Shriver by Trevor Mak
Shut (An Animated Series) by Kyle Matthew Hamilton
Side Quest by Michael Tannenbaum Louie Aronowitz
Sinners by Jill Narciso
Sirens by Ryan Lange Rory Menteer
Sister by Alex Blumberg
Slaves to the Rhythm by Terry Connell
Sleeping on Stones by Nicole Ballivian
Slugger by J. Miller
Snapped by Heather Turman and David Mickel
Snitch by Jaye Nolan
Soul to Squeeze by Alex Arabian
Soulfunny! by Tonya Vann
Sovereign Citizen by Craig Peters
Stamped by Aviva Peltin
Starcrossed by Jeffrey Howe
Starlight by Hunter Cline
Stay With Me by Keri Picolla
Stefan by Ana-Marija Stojic
Streetwalkers by Jacqueline Frazier
Sugar by Kerri Quinn
Sugar Rush by Lee Chambers
Sugar, Sugar! by Clara West
Sylmar by Ernesto Sandoval
Talon by Deborah Syna
Tax Man by Kieran Shea and David Osorio
Tenure by Ronald Eltanal
The 12 Days of Christmas by Scott Fales
The Anklebiter by Andrew Jones
The Antichrist by Stephen Prather
The Ascendant by Chuck Cox
The Assistant by Maureen Sheehan
The Assistant Curator by Richard Bailey
The Babysitting Diaries by E. Amato
The Bank Thief by Jordan Freese
The Banner by Ernestina Juarez
The Big Mahoff by Russell Brand
The Bishop of Carthage by Gary Giudice
The Blood Simpletons by Dennis Venter
The Blue Nile by Richard Bailey
The Book of Ruth by Lou Borenstein
The Broken Yolk by Lynda Halligan (Olsen)
The Cleaning Crew by Nancy Beverly
The Colorado Cannibal by Laurence Gouldbourne
The Cure by Ashley Hall
The Dark by Joe Becker
The Darkling Game by William Brown
The Date by Donn Swaby
The Defiant One by Veialu Aila-Unsworth
The Devil, a Rebel, a Fool by Clay Fusco
The Director's Cut by Jean Michel Arlin
The Dream Jumper's Promise by Kim Hornsby
The Edge of Truth by Sydney Deeter
The Emerald Triangle by Ben Bigelow
The Esther Code by Esa Nurminen
The Euripides Engine by Peter Andrews
The Expat by Randy Steinlauf
The Expatriates by Katherine Street
The Fairy and the Architect by Paula Redlefsen
The Far Corner by Dawn Greenfield Ireland
The Farrell Girl by Lyndal Simpson
The First Pill by Jeffrey Longberry
The First Year by Jori Felker
The Fisherman of Islamorada by Cillian Dunne
The Further Adventures of Jimmy Lynch by Robert Rossetti
The Ghosts of Patriot Park by Jack Calk
The Girl From The Village by Gregory Fishwick
The Girl in the River by Brando Benetton
The Girl Next Door by Joe McClean
The Girl Who Could Fly by Chris Menown
The Golden Bokken by Larry Thomas
The Golem of Cotopaxi by Arnon Shorr
The Gradual Deterioration of Walter Twig by Lisa Garvey
The Great Bridge by Samantha Silvay
The Great Montana Road Race by Jeffrey Smith
The Grim Reaper by Juhani Nurmi
The Halloween Club by Gerardo Maravilla
The Hardest Road There Is by Benjamin Feldman
The Hero's Song by Michael Stagliano
The Hitman's Dilemma by Marcus A Stricklin
The Homeless by Amelie Leclerc
The Hotel Barbers by Daniel Woburn
The Illuminati by John Alarid
The Imaginarium by Jennifer Martin
The Infantorium by Nick Padmore
The Kettlewatcher by Elaine Purnell
The Knight's Phoenix by Joseph Mwamba
The Last Day of Paradise by Kiki Denis
The Legend of Willie Telberg and Son by Jeff McMahon
The Lionesses and The Eagle by Anne-Marie Caluwaert
The Lion's Chambers by Kyle Curry
The Lonely Gold Digger by Brenda Clarke
The Long Haul by Don Fiebiger
The Lucy Gray Agency by Pamela Jones and Anna-Lisa Jones
The Magnificent Vectors by Barbara Lauria Moore
The Mâr Chronicles (a 12-chapter limited series) by A. S. Templeton
The Mender by Robert Ripley
The Minefield by Jason Skorski and Quinn Redeker
The MisKids by Wendy J.N. Lee
The Mitfords by Simon Warne
The Moor by Thomas Thonson
The Mystery of the Hornet Ghost Lights by Craig Proudley and Kelly Chen
The Native Returns by The John Benton Firm
The Neverlands: Hangman's Tree by Jonathan Scott Parker
The Night Witches by Steven Prowse
The North Village by Marya Sherron
The Organic Svengali by Russ Meyer
The Outcasts by Alkyoni Valsari
The Patient by Johan Schyberg
The Peculiars by Randy LaBarge
The Pickpocket by Monique Patterson
The Poet by AB Chandra
The Prosecutor's Witness by Donald Schwartz
The Protector by Kevin J. Howard
The Protégé by Kennedy Sabelko
The Ranch by Geoff Ryan
The Real McCoy by Michael Weinreb
The Replacement by Jonathan Dick
The Republic of Jack by Jeff Kerr
The Republic of West Florida by Sam Gold
The Reserve by Alex Avila
The Rommel Gambit by John Doble
The Ruin of Eden by Jessica Romagnoli and Patrick Ireland
The Rule of Thirds by Andrea Turner
The Sadist: Trials of the Marquis de Sade by Kathy Nash
The Shadow King by Chris Bolton
The Soul Singer by Nadine Weathersby
The Sports Net by Katherine Blair
The Springs by Arlo Thompson
The Strange Affair of the Elevator by Katy Regnery
The Sub by Michael Lucid
The Surrealist by Chelsea Hazzard
The Surveillance of Ordinary Things by Susan Brunig
The Tenant by Janet J. Lawler
The Tenements by June Escalante
The Thief of Dubai by Mark Laing
The Ties That Bind by Haley Dercher
The Treehouse by Joseph Mwamba
The Trouble with Time Travel by Melissa Graves
The Truth by Nick Padmore
The Two Rivers by John Gronbeck-Tedesco
The Untitled Twin Project by Bea Lovett
The Very First Powder Puff Derby by John Purvis
The Vessels by Anna Elias
The Way Out by Matt Dority and Robert Leader
The Weapon by Peter Murphy
The Weasel by Brianna Cohen
The Weatherway Conspiracy by Ryan Lange Alan Peery
The Wedding Witch by Chad Wellinger
The Well by Bruno Lázaro-Gomes
The Whisperers by Travis J. Opgenorth
The Whole Chicken by Krista Eulberg
The Wind Howls by Carlos J Matos
The Wolvener of Los Angeles by Shawn Waugh
The Zombays by Lance Barnett
There Were People On Sunday by Eric Stumpf
This is Not a Drill by Dara Murphy
This is Not Revenge by David Pierotti
This Is The Last Time by Jeff Bretl
Three Roads To Oaxaca by Spencer Brewer and Evan Gaustad
Thrillville by Mark Chambers
Through the Veil by Peter Macaluso
Ties That Bind by Donna Gooden
Title IX by Ryan Greenwood
Too Bad About Snowball by Paul Larsen
Torched by Sarah Knapp
True Colours by Mark Renshaw
Truffled by Dayle Dodds
Tune In Turn on Drop Dead by Mary Ann Koenig
Turbulence by Joe Rosario
Turning Pointe by Bridget Bell McMahon
Typhoid Gary by Julio DeSanctis
UFO Phil by Eric Lee Huffman
Un-American by Thulio DaSilva
Unbrotherly Love by Nick Abdo
Under the Bed by Ethan Chen
Under the Clock by Wilke Durand
Unremembered by J. Writer Ward
Uproar by Agustin S. McCarthy
Vagabond by Bob Reynolds
Valeria Queen Of The Night by Julia Koyfman
Vanilla Chocolate Chip by James Valko
Verity's Game by Jennifer Giacalone
Vessel by Kristopher Garcia-Simms
Vicious by Amir Ohebsion and Omid Arabian
Victims of Crime (VOC) by Jessica Beange
Villains Ink by Karen Bryson
Villette by Don Thompson
Vulture by Tyler Christensen
Walk that Sexy Talk by Dev Ross
Warm Brothers by William Gorgensen
Water's Edge by Karl White
We Can't Sleep by Chris Phillips
Web Trail by Drew Wagner
Weekend Dad by Barbara Jackson
Welcome To Movie World by Bryan Bordon
Well, I Guess This Is Growing Up by Brian Cheng
Wendigo by David Zuckerman
Wendy the Domme by Rachel Music
What Daphne Saw by Lizz Marshall
When We Were Gods by Richard Mauro
Whispering Canyons by Kris Crenwelge
Whiteness of Bones by Melissa White
Who Gets Garrett? by Donovan Trott
Wild Datura by Bernadett Belinda York
Wild Horses by Brian Kowalchuk
Wilder at Sunset by Mark Wasserman
Wish This Day Would End by William Wonders III
With Malice Toward None by Lee Field
Woke by Johnny Gilligan
Wolves Don't Cry by Scott Fleishman
Worst Fears by Bryan Bakker
Wrestlers by Ryan Wolin
X by Stéphanie Joalland
Yorkville by Robert Landau
You Call This Love by Carol Hoffman
Young American by Robbie Robertson
Young Killers by Anton Lipasti
Your Guarded Heart by Ryan Lange
You're It by ReneeJoy Valentine
Zoe and the Zebra by Vicki Peterson
Zombie Holiday by William Brown
2020 Winners
Zora & Zizi by Desa Larkin-Boutte
Genre Winners
Black Squadron by Sarah Knapp
Asians Can’t Play Jazz by Carlos Gutierrez
Zora & Zizi by Desa Larkin-Boutte
Fairy Christmas by Dayle Dodds
Reparations by Margie Walker
Faster Than Bullets by Pat Holden
The Boy With Stars in His Pockets by Elaine Stirling
Revelations by Johnny Gilligan
The Red White & Brutes by Alex M Langenfeld
Into the Midnight Sun by David Zuckerman
Finalists (Top 10 of Each Genre)
(Alphabetized by Title)
Black Squadron by Sarah Knapp
Blood and Dreams: Complicit by Suzanne Griffin
Bulldozer Girl by Irwin Greenstein
Euthanized by Don Stroud
Near Death by Carlo Carere & Erin Carere
Rewind - The Blockbuster Initiative by Justin Bellow
Sa'Be (The Legend of Bigfoot) by Benjamin Sarno
Sacred Profanity by Malcolm Wong
The Litany (or the Elephant, the Owl, and the Fox) by Evan Cooper
The Quest for the Shamir by Candyce Petersen
Alice and Celia and Whatever It Takes by Mary Ruth Clarke
Anonymous by Porsha Addison
Asians Can't Play Jazz by Carlos Gutierrez
Dead Gen by Brad MacPherson
In the Footsteps of Thaddeus Thackeray by Adam McDaniel
Les Go! By Catherine Vouvray
Mandemic! By Nicholas Horwood
My Fair Asian by Zena Cao
Ren Faire Versus Aliens by Harry Aspinwall
The Queen Annes by Elizabeth J Musgrave
A Domestic by Debbie Simmons
A Matter of Degree by Melissa Neiman
Act of Love by Elvin Betancourt
Danger Close by Shawna Chance
Fires of Saint Sebastian by Tomek Chenczke
For Little Girls Who Are Afraid To Speak by Ano Okera
Game On by Ariel Wilkins
Morningwood by T Gordon Stanley
re.Form(ed) by Johnny Gilligan
Zora & Zizi by Desa Larkin-Boutte
7 Minutes and About 20 Seconds by Marina Alves
A Brooklyn Christmas by Drew Henriksen
Bear-Proof Suit by Nicholas Shafir
Best Dressed by Jay Lien
Fairy Christmas by Dayle Dodds
How the Yellow Mellow by Eljohn Macaranas
I Thought We Were Friends by Justine Beed
School Mouse by Tiffany Alzatti
Skip Pretty by Kaisha Bicknell
The Smugglers' Tunnel by Eric Murphy
Dead and Married by Kristina Jilly
Heartstone by Michael Williams
The Kindred by Nell Scannon
The Locket's Journey by Phillip Cook
Old Dogs and St. Nick by Diana Williamson
The Queen Annes by Elizabeth Musgrave
Reparations by Margie Walker
Shadow of the Bear by Randy Vampotic
The Tormented by Dale Janda
The Winter House Haunting by Dayle Ann Hunt
Black Cat by Chris Phillips
Execution of Honor by Mark Rashid
Faster Than Bullets by Pat Holden
Flying Bird's Lost Treasure by Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel
Grandpa and the 25th by Robert T. Roe
Laika by Jackie Perez
Salt and Pepper by Cheryl Willis
The Abyssinian by L.E Coleman
Wearing of the Green by Rachel Paul
Your Own God by T. Gordon Stanley
All the Way Down by Mark Netter
Between the Black Teeth by Jerome Marshall
Blood Law by Adam Simmons
The Boy with Stars in His Pocket by Elaine Stirling
A Crime in Memory by Debra Montague
The Domovoi by Lisa Jay
Infection by Matthew Dixon
I Stole from Pablo Escobar by Carlos Gutierrez
Maxine by Stephanie Elie
Wendigo by David Zuckerman
Academy by Joong Won Pyo
Agents of Kismet by Radcliff Weir
Bach, a Monster by Avery Williams
Between the Raindrops by Jori Lynn Felker
Crash by Marie Jones
Exodus by Anthony Moore
Ice by Stephanie Joalland
The Moment by Tess Melvin
This is Not a Hoax by Kristin Raven
Revelations by Johnny Gilligan
Full Contact by Dave Kraft
Girl of the Palio by Melissa Birks
Hard Courts by Braden Lindstrom & Mark
Hawassa Nights by Scott Latta
The Red White & Brutes! by Alex M Langenfeld
Rita RPM by Janet J. Lawler
Rock and Roll Soccer by Evan Balkan
Sumo Football by Scott Jacobs
Team Player Kris Crenwelge
Tricking Gravity by D. Anthony
Bronze Bullets by Brooke Solomon
Dead Man's Gulch by Rob Rex
Gold Trail Pass by Rob McNeil
The Gunfight by Keith Davidson
Hunting Sherman by Jack Vandagriff
Into the Midnight Sun by David Zuckerman
Jesse James vs Jack the Ripper by Alasdair McMullan
Ragewater by Scott Lainer
Shady's Last Stand by Stan Barton
The Vengeance of Eleanor Dumont by Tim Northburg
Semi-Finalists for All Genres
(Alphabetized by Title)
15-Apr by Paul Myerberg
5150 by Patti Wall
7 Minutes and About 20 Seconds by Marina Alves
A Brooklyn Christmas by Drew Henriksen
A Case of Subtle Beauty by Sandra Fox-Sohner
A Crime in Memory by Debra Montague
A Domestic by Debbie Simmons
A Little Sedated by Joseph Sanders
A Matter of Degree by Melissa Neiman
A Thousand Cuts by Randall Fontana
Abner by Kent Faulcon
Absolute Rubbish by Helen Roberts
Abuse of Power by Gila Zalon
Academy by Joong Won Pyo
Ace of Spades by Lyndon McGill
Across The Divide by Dennis O'Flyng
Act of Love by Elvin Betancourt
Agents of Kismet by Radcliff Weir
Agriturismo by Nick Rufca
Ai! Chilito by Judy Chaikin
Ajeeta the Invincible by Terry Lynam
Aladdin and the Ebony Palace by Kenneth White
Alex Finn Vs The Nightmare Marauders by Paul Zeidman
Alice and Celia and Whatever It Takes by Mary Ruth Clarke
All the Way Down by Mark Netter
Almost Cooperstown by Blake McCallister
Altered Egos by Navid Nobakht
Amazons, Rebels & Spies: The Trial by Barbara Ashley
American Sons by Roger Stigliano
American Teenage Runaways by Brian Gelinas and Kenneth M. Benoit, Nick Bradford, Amy Green
An American Hero by David Marantz
An Untimely Frost by Mark Spencer
Anansi and the Chest of Stories by Ayinde Ricco
And There Is Fight by Kent Faulcon and Julie Su
Animated by Emma Ennis
Anna Moon by Ellen Ireland
Anonymous by Porsha Addison
Any Place, Any Time. by Martin Cox
Apple of My Eye by Jennifer Martin
Apples & Oranges by Kenneth White
Arise, Ser Hunchback by David Snee
Arranged by Mithra Alavi
Asians Can't Play Jazz by Carlos Gutierrez
Assassin Nation: The Platinum Assassin by Craig Lew
Assisted Dying by Susan Sneeringer
At The Displeasure Of The President by Brian Cohen
Atop Flint Hill by Elizabeth Yanders
Auto High by Nina Kentsis
Axis by Rob Rex
Babushkas by Jason Henry
Bach, A Monster by Avery Williams
Bad Day for the Dog by I.J. Miller
Bad Elf by John Rae
Bad Listing by Brent Hartinger
Bardown: The Billy Buchanan Story by Justin Kueber
Battle for Eden: Birth of An Antichrist by Mike Rose
Bear-Proof Suit by Nicholas Shafir
Beast of Virginia by Matthew Corley
Before She Was Joan Crawford by Crecia Mathalia
Behind the Veil by Charlie Coffell
Below The Line by Aaron Smith
Best Dressed by Jay Lien
Betsy and the Emperor by Staton Rabin
Between the Black Teeth by Jerome Marshall
Between the Raindrops by Jori Lynn Felker
Beyond Hollywood by Anton Diether
Beyond Revenge by Julianne Bianchi
Bill's Butcher Shop by Nick Marini
Billy Kufelt by Ronald Ecker
Black & Blue by Marvin Reid
Black Cat by Chris Phillips
Black Squadron by Sarah Knapp
Blind Justice by Ramona Taylor
Blood and Dreams: Complicit by Suzanne Griffin
Blood Law by Adam Simmons
Blood Law by Keith and Cassie Hayasaka
Blood of the Manor by Robert Drusetta
Blood's Child by Steven Bogart
Blue Skies & Gunfire by Mary Davie
Boomerangst by George Johnson
Boy From Earth by Marc McCutcheon
Boy/Love by Mike Wong
Brickbat by Mark Donnell
Bronze Bullets by Brooke Solomon
Buck and the Angel by James Schlicker
Bulldozer Girl by Irwin Greenstein
Burden or Courage by DaRon Ross
Celestial Bodies by Monique Patterson
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
Chasing Spielberg by Robert Tobin
Chicago P.I. by Dave Orvis
Chokepoint by Tamra Teig
Circus Animals by Frank Hays
City of Souls by Chris Pittas
Clearcut by Kenneth White
Climbers by Alexander Julian
Cloistered by M Rowan Meyer
Clot by JT O'Neal
Codswallop by Paul Larsen
Comic Book Hero: The Scarlet Flame by Neil Golin
Consumed by Don Stroud
Conversion by Kirill Kiselev
Converted by Dana Quercioli
Convict Candidate by Matthew Myers
Crash Backwards by Randall Hahn
Crash by Marie Jones
#CrimeCast by Robin Fusco
Cuddler-for-Hire by Ourdia Hodge
Curse of the Sampires - The TV Saga of Samurai Vampires by P.K. Silverson
Cyclone Santa by Robyn Opie Parnell
Dancin' Home by Jeff Eagle
Danger Close by Shawna Chance
De Moray by Rory Lawie
Deacon's Point by Blake McCallister
Dead and Married by Kristina Jilly
Dead Gen by Brad MacPherson
Dead Man's Gulch by Rob Rex
Dead Stop by Evan Michael
Dead Stop by Nathan Scoggins
Dear Langston by Kevyn Richmond
Deconstructing Radha by Amir Ohebsion
Demons 4 Dummies by Rollin Jewett
Deny, Deny, Deny by Gail Brice
Destroyer by Colin McLaughlin
Diamond Payback by Craig Weeden
Die Laughing by Mike Murphy
Dinner for der Fuhrer by Ken Oxman
Dirty Laundry by Adam Fried
Don't Look Back by Jesse Klein
Don't Tell A Soul by Dan Stone
Dr. Franka by Scott Nabat
Driftwood by Matthew Rafferty
E. Bunny by Dayle Dodds
Ella & Marilyn by Jon Davis
Empress of Elsewhere by Brian Herskowitz
Engagement Chicken by Elena Christina Wagoner
Escarghost by Helen Rose Roberts
Euthanized by Don Stroud
Evil in Sight by Fiore DeRosa
Evolution Zero by Madeline Rooks
Exabyte by Daniel Abrams
Execution of Honor by Mark Rashid
Exodus by Anthony Moore
Fairy Christmas by Dayle Dodds
Fairyland by Granville Oluikpe
Falling Awake by David Jones
Falling Home by Scott Lipanovich
Family First by Chloe Samillano
Farewell Barley June by Jeff Eagle
Fast Fade by Linda Boroff
Faster Than Bullets by Pat Holden
Fat Lady Sriracha by Reeyaz Habib
Fear by Christian Hearn
Feed The Monster by Rob Rex
Femme Fatale by Hiram Hoffman
Fence Off by Karolyn Szot
Ferguson by Jon Alston
Field Trip by Claudio Martinez-Valle
Finding Serenity by Starling Thomas
Fired by Mallie McCown
Fires of Saint Sebastian by Tomek Chenczke
First Realm Problems by Becca Blackmore
Fish Heist by John Hallmann
Fits the Crime by Steve Blame
Flat-rate Frank by Jeffrey Howe
Flop N Rage by Jimmy Prosser
Fly Girls by Deborah Seibel
Flying Bird's Lost Treasure by Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel
Follow the Badge by Jayson Crittenden
Fontana by Ian Feldman
For Little Girls Who Are Afraid To Speak by Ano Okera
Forever Charlee by Hank Isaac
Foundtown by Chelsea Totten
Frances by Shawna Chance
Frankie by Isaiah Nielson
Freedom Crossing by Chris Thomas
Freedom on Trial by Gene Chill
Fuck Sleep by Jason Goldberg
Full Contact by Dave Kraft
Fumus et Umbra by Christina Katsiadakis
Game Life by Odin Ozdil
Game On by Ariel Wilkins & Avian Wilkins
Gangsta Love by Jill Gurr
Girl of The Palio by Melissa Birks
Girl Trouble by Devi Snively
Glorious Mack by Jay Lien
Gnaw by Kathryn Kyker
Gods of the Forgotten by Anthony McBride
Godz by J.R. Jarrod
Gold Trail Pass by Rob McNeil
Golden Age by Jon Davis
Good From Evil by Seaton Kay-Smith
Goodfella Pizza by Drew Henriksen
Grand Guingol by Alex Schor
Grandpa and the 25th by Robert T. Roe
Greenwood by Jody Hadlock & A.J. Orr
Grim and Her by Brendon Udy
Growing Up Brooklyn by Christina Chinnici
Gun Rally Massacre by Joe Bousquin
Guncle by Tom Stovall
Gusher by Abigail Bean
Hanna Foster and the Guardians of Eden by Arnon Shorr
Hard Courts by Braden Lindstrom and Mark Tjarks
Hawassa Nights by Scott Latta
Heartstone by Michael Williams
Henrietta by Harry Aspinwall
Her Majesty's Wizards by Scott Peterman
High by Eva MeiLing Pollitt
High Strung by Billie Bates
Hit Escape by Mark Reynolds
Hit Me Harder by Max Rissman
Hola Hermana! by Jordan Friedberg
Holler Mercy by Graham Bowlin
Holy Smokes! by Russ Brandon
Hotel Chelsea by Parker Love Bowling
House Money by Don I. Waldo
House Rule by Teresa Barber
How the Yellow Mellow by Eljohn Macaranas
Hunter Killer by Steve Garvin
Hunting Killers by Allen Davis
Hunting Sherman by Jack Vandagriff
Hurricane Tara by Kyle Curry
Hyena by David McAbee
I Command by Brendon Slee
I Stole From Pablo Escobar by Carlos Gutierrez
I Thought We Were Friends by Justine Beed
I, Hunter by Jack Polo
Ian Is Going To Jail by Anna Forsyth
Ice by Stéphanie Joalland
Ice Cream, You Scream by Bruno Derlin
Imperial House by Peter Kaufman
Imposed Silence by Marni Sullivan
In Country by Scott Peterman
In the Footsteps of Thaddeus Thackeray by Adam McDaniel
Infection by Matthew Dixon
Inn of the Flying Cows by Caitlin Amans
Inside by Elise Salomon
Intergalactic Fanny Pack Travels by Tony Gaud
Internity by Brian Cohen
Into the Fire by Adam Fidler
Into The Midnight Sun by David Zuckerman
It Had To Be You by April Hartmann
Jesse James vs. Jack the Ripper by Alasdair McMullan
Juice by Andrew Knopp
Jumping into Hemingway's Pool by Nick Roberts
Junior High Genie by Audrey Hackett
Karma by Eric Gable
Kill Like I Do by Kristyna Saja
Kill Tones by Neil Brimelow
Killed Twice in Texas by Jayson Crittenden
King of Swing by Alessandro King
Kinky Grace by Mitchell P Ganem
Kiss the Death from My Lips by Dan Moriarty
Kitchen Sink by Karen Kumor
Laika by Jackie Perez
Last Drop by Bruno Lázaro-Gomes
Last Wolves by Michael Roslen
Late Bloomer by Alexandra Antonopoulos
Legal Gringa by A Page
Legalized by Bryan Torresdey
Lemon by Beth Curry
Lemonlight by M. Rowan Meyer
Les Go! by Catherine Vouvray
Life Coach by Phillip Ramati
Life Without by Kris Crenwelge
Like Mother, Like Daughter by Brett Preiss
Little Deer and the Conqueror of Satan by Wiktor Grodecki
Little Faith by Michael Stark
Longrider by Matthew Dixon
Looking Glass by William Zide
Louise and the Professor by Lise Pyles
Love and the Devil by George Sakers
Lulu & Popcorn: Owl Make A Dog Out Of You by Lauren Schwein
Lunatics by Brian Gabriel
Lust In A Bottle by C.S. Torres
Madame Cavell by Phillip Ramati
Maddie & Mechanic by Greg Enslen
Man out of Time by Arnon Shorr
Mandemic! by Nicholas Horwood
Maxine by Stephanie Elie
Meera by Alex Arjuna Hughes
Mental by Warren Clarke
Milo by Robert Wedge
Mission: Remission by Bryan Valvana
Mistresses of Sleep by Dexter Williams
Mixed Together by Marcus Stricklin
Monstrous by Adam Spring
Moonflower by Beth Curry
Morningwood by T Gordon Stanley
Mother Lode by Mark Beech
Moustache, A Dog In Napoleon's Army by Andrew Garrett
Mrs. Wildermuth by Estes Tarver
Mum Said by Sabina Sattar
My Brother From Another Mother by Manuel Ansoleaga
My Fair Asian by Zenas Cao
My Monster by David Carren
My Sex Life by Rosalyn Rosen
Mythatania - The Adventures of Erin, Owen and the Mythfitz by Nicholas Julius
NarcoBruja by Alessandro Pederzoli
Natural Law by Nick Marini
Near Death by Carlo Carere
NetSleuths.com by Elizabeth J. Musgrave
Never Told Love Story by Konstantin Selivan
Nova Storm by Prakshep Bhatt
Nurse Inland by Rhianna Commens
NZR by Leon Masters
Oak by Claire Shearwood
Oh Deer by Krista Crawford
Old Dogs and St. Nick by Diana Williamson
Old Dominion by Emma Zetterberg
One More Day by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Oradour by Vaughn Roste
Osiris Rising by Sam Peters
Otherworld by Dawn Prato
Our Fathers by Kyle Wilson
Our Town by Brian Bell
Overtime by Tom McLaughlin
Painful Pardon by Robert J. McCrea
Paper Route by Justin Kueber
Paradise by Andy Estrada
Pastel Bears by Jacob Dammons
Patient by M Rowan Meyer
Pearland by James Shippy
People I Don't Even Know by David Jones
Perfect by Alan C. Beard
Pieces Of Eight by Rand Soares
Pieces, or A West Hollywood Club Called Rage by Chris Phillips
Pigpen by Maud Ferrari
Piney Ridge by La'Chris Jordan
Pirate Cove by Hank Isaac
Playing with Fire by Mike Ackerman
Pleasant Grove by Zack R. Smith
Pole Moles by David Morris
Pray For Dawn by Brian McQuery
Predation by Karl White
Pride Floats by James Bergeron
Product 125 by Jim Falletta
Project P.A.R.I.S. by Dennis Douda
Promises by Trevor Mayes
Pros and Cons by Andrea Lawson
Putting Love On The Menu by Andrew McGivern
Quixotic Frida by Ronjoy Borthakur
Rage Against The Night by Akiva Cohen
Ragewater by Scott Lainer
Ramon & Julie by Nicholas Ybarra
Randal, Randy and the Black Hole by Owen Croak
Rat Girl by David Santo
re.Form(ed) by Johnny Gilligan
Reap by Kat Cooper
Recoil by Robert Armanyous
Red Spy Queen by Leslie Lyshkov
Relative Contact by Christine Whitlock
Ren Faire Versus Aliens by Harry Aspinwall
Rent-a-Life by Connor Brown
Reparations by Margie Walker
REPresentative by Alan C. Beard
Residual by John Licata
Resting Bitch Face by Peri Lapidus
Return to Santa by Kevin Naughton
Return to Spalding Drive by Kevin Brunner
Revelations by Johnny Gilligan
Rewind - The Blockbuster Initiative by Justin Bellow
Rex After College by Jake Horvitz
Riggers by Dane Krogman
Rita RPM by Janet J. Lawler
Riverbank by Richard Wamsley
Rock and Roll Soccer by Evan Balkan
Rogues by Adam Rocke
Root by Katherine Street
Rose and the Coyote Killer by Craig Paulsen
Rowan's Ashes by Miranda Valenti
Ruby by Jessica J Rowlands
Rules For Being a Mutt: Ramadan by Mithra Alavi
Running Through Stones by Scott Lipanovich
Sa'Be (The Legend of Bigfoot) by Benjamin Sarno
Sacred Profanity by Malcolm Wong
Salt and Pepper by Cheryl Willis
Saving Mark Twain by Staton Rabin
Scapegoat! by Nan Schmid
School Mouse by Tiffany Alzatti
School Nights by John Killoran
SCOTUS by Alan Jenkins
Scream Play by Bill Swotes
Second Chances by Jill Gurr
Seraphim's Miracle by Jeremy Storey
Shade by Scott Cramer
Shadow of the Bear by Randy Vampotic
Shady's Last Stand by Stan Barton
Sham of a Marriage by Audrey Knox
Silk City by Nathaniel Gorgonus
Silverlight by Victor Spiegel
Sinderella by Christopher Rebbert
Sins of My Father by Jane Therese
Sis by Andy Golub
Sit Pretty by Keil Troisi
Skip Pretty by Kaisha Bicknell
Smoke on the Water by Michael Gossette
Smudge by Robert J. McCrea
Some Kind of Rot by Connor Brown
Something Completely Different by Andrew MacQuarrie
Something Else Ever After by Sylvie Beaudin
Soul of Steel by Sam Peters
Sovereign Citizen by Craig Peters
Spiralmind by Benito Perez
Splashdown by Don Stroud
Sprinkle Squad by Kristi Dick
Spy Off by Odin Ozdil
St. Jones' Ditch by Sarah Brockmann
St. Patrick's Day by Patrick Caulfield
Stars by Guillermo Lozano MartÃnez
Starstruck by Elizabeth Dwyer
Strike the Halls by Christopher Robbins
Stupid Girl by Tony Jerris
Sumo Football by Scott Jacobs
Surface Tension by Steve Wisniewski
Surrender by Shannon Wells
Sweet Black Bottom by DaRon Ross
Syvertsen's Complex by Marni Sullivan
Tales Of The Griots by Michael Tucker
Tango Down by James C. Burns
Team Player by Kris Crenwelge
Tengu by Eric Gable
Terror Team by Sean Reidy
The 2 Abigails by T Gordon Stanley & Christian Nzekwe
The Abyssinian by L.E. Coleman
The Adventures Of Elf Abba - Abba Gets Her Wish by Rey Ramirez
The Aloha War by P.K. Silverson
The Angel of History by Travis Weedon
The Black Watch by Gordon Roback
The Blunder Years by Fernanda Fantauzzi
The Boy With Stars in His Pocket by Elaine Stirling
The Brujo by Kermit Davidson
The Cauldron by Edi Ibok
The Christmas Closet by Richard Alvarez
The Daffodil Field by Simon Wilkinson
The Dahl House by Heather Ellingwood
The Delivery by Gil Seltzer
The Deposition by Kelly Rothberger
The Domovoi by Lisa Jay
The Dumb Ox Bellows by John Connell
The Exile by Gustavo Garzon
The Factory by Kevin Brunner
The Fear by Lane Bachelder
The First Year by Jori Richman
The Floating World by Michael Rhodes
The Folklorist by Emma Benten
The Forgotten One by Troy Spatafora
The Founders by Adam Pachter
The Further Adventures of Jimmy Lynch by Robert Rossetti
The Good Book by Linda Gauer
The Good Twin by Zach Bliss
The Groomsman and the Train of Nyarlathotep by Neil MacKay
The Gunfight by Keith Davidson
The Hotel Palmyra by John Montgomery
The In-Laws by Laura West
The Insidious Impact of Anton by David Hilder
The Jack-O-Lanterns by Dan Goforth
The Killer B's by Dave Chan
The Kindred by Nell Scannon
The Language of Wolves by Nan Schmid
The Last Farm by David Wappel
The Last Great Ankle Contest by June Escalante
The Last Vikings by David Thorndill
The Lease of Nature by Anderson Boyd
The Life Book by Jay Smith
The Litany (or the Elephant, the Owl, and the Fox) by Evan Cooper
The Little Room Above by Samuel Minier
The Locket's Journey by Phillip Cook
The Lonely and the Damned by Javier Tessari
The Memory Room by Mark Rashid
The Midnight Tour by Chris Bolton
The Misery Index by David Burton
The Moment by Tess Melvin
The Nightline Attic by Denis Memedoski
The Only Shot by Lynn Amato
The Open Window by Marcia McNair
The Painter's Child: Ghosts of Dauphin Island by Olga Regina Doi-Kollegger
The Penetration Expert by Jeffrey Chase
The Probation Officer by Harry Burrus
The Protégé by Kennedy Sabelko
The Queen Annes by Elizabeth J. Musgrave
The Queen Annes by Elizabeth Musgrave
The Quest for the Shamir by Candyce Petersen
The Red White & Brutes! by Alex M Langenfeld
The Resistance by Sydney Sterling
The Ryan Express by Laura & Rachael Doukas
The Santa Line by Jim Newton
The Secret World of Danny Lopez by Samuel Garza Bernstein
The Sixth Extinction by Richard Bailey
The Sky Over Rebecca by Matthew Fox
The Sky Road by Ellen Federico
The Smugglers' Tunnel by Eric Murphy
The Sorrow Veil by Russ Lindway
The Storm King by Alexander Hendler
The Summer I Shrank My Grandmother by Anita Brandt Burgoyne
The Surveillance of Ordinary Things by Susan Brunig
The Sword in the Sprawl by Matthew Scarpa
The Tormented by Dale Janda
The Transmogrification of St. Bunnycrisp by Cate Wood Hunter
The Trouble With Martha by Olga Rozanova
The Unfavored One by Ruby Smith
The Vacationers by Daniel Abrams
The Valraven by David Beran
The Vengeance of Eleanor Dumont by Tim Northburg
The Westchester Boys by Kevyn Richmond
The White Witch Of Rose Hall by Shaunia McKenzie
The Winter House Haunting by Dayle Ann Hunt
There's a Baby Hippo in the Pool by Pat Doherty
TheThree-legged Mare by David McDonagh
This Is America by Jared Walker
This Is Not A Hoax by Kristin Raven
ThoseWhoDon'tLearnFromHistoryAreDoomedtoLasVegas by Christopher Hlas
Throwback by Elvin Betancourt
Ticket 2 Ride by Ken White
Til Truth Do Us Part by Adam Fortner
Tilt by Pearse Lehane
Together We Are an Ocean by Kevin Rexroat
Too Bad About Snowball by Paul Larsen
Torch by Jason McBeth
Touch & Go by Andy Golub
Tragic Flaw by Hester Schell
Trevor by Michael Hornsby
Tricking Gravity by D Anthony
(True) North by HF Crum
Tucker by Rachel Fischer
Tutankhamun Not in Common by Robert Rogers
Two-Faced! by John Madormo
Umbilical by Jaye Nolan
Underground by Brendon Udy
Union 415 by Tony Savage
Unlikely Ohana by Jennie Lee
Unplanned by Scott Peterman
Unstoppable by Gerald Large
UXO: Unexploded Ordnance by Celina Dobson
Valentine by Debra Sharkey
Vanishing Terrorists by Ann Carpenter
Victorian by Wyatt Berens
Victoriana by Troy Peery
Voices by Susan Klos
Walker's Juju by Gary Towner
Warrior Warrior by Brian Michaels
We Are The Shadows by Chigozie Ndolo
Wearing of the Green by Rachel Paul
Wendigo by David Zuckerman
Were by Carter Friend
What a Wedding by Jeremy Black
What The Heart Wants by Andy Golub
When in Rome by Jeff Naparstek
When the Bass Drops by Marlene Rhein
When The Men Were Gone by Skye Emerson
Where He Buried Me by Joe Bousquin
Where is Home by David Rocchio
Whistler's Mother by Robbie Robertson
Who Was Cary Grant? by Jon Davis
Wi-fi Interrupted by Mariana Convery
Will To Power by Michael Mul
Wishbone Wonderland by Steve Dini
Worlds Apart by Cynthia Riddle & Julie Kohner
Wrestlers by Ryan Wolin
Wrong Side of the Grass by Logan Shaw
Yellow Bird by Tony Jerris
Your Own God by T Gordon Stanley
Zora & Zizi by Desa Larkin-Boutte
2019 Winners
The First Law by D.J. McPherson and Jack Christian
Genre Winners
Boundary Waters by Joann Buckley Collins & Eric Scott Olson
Where The Men Are by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Civilian by Gina Scanlon
Seven Thousand Islands by Gary White
Scoundrel by Amy Quick Parrish
Mom Died by Michael Klug
A Well-Regulated Militia by Randall Fontana
The First Law by D.J. McPherson and Jack Christian
The Iron Horse of Lucy Steele by Paul Zeidman
Fate and Other Holes in the Fabric of the Universe by Kemmer Cope
(Top 25 of Each Genre)
(Alphabetized by Title)
A Dinner for der Fuhrer by Ken Oxman
Alpha Dogs by Joseph Cataline
Batterrup! by Jon Hodson
Blood and Dreams: Complicit by Suzanne Griffin
Boost by JC Young
Boundary Waters by Joann Buckley Collins
Cage Girls by Adam Rocke
City at Night by Tommy McInnis
Cold Steel by Greg Smith
Enemy Line by Lawrence Riggins
Evening, Master Parsley by Michael Colucci
Fast Dance With The Devil by R Chumley Scott
Go Catch The Devil by Martin Blinder
Hemorrhage by Justin Fox
Once Upon a Time in Shaolin by Maxwell Towson
Run by Travis Seppala
Scarlet Seas by JC Young
SkyGods by Dave Pliler
Someplace Safe by Dan Loschack
Speakeasy by Louis Brockman
Stealing God by Martin Blinder
The Last Swordsman by Peter Kaufman
The Long Road by Elie El Choufany
Three by Mark Hudelson
World's Greatest Villain by Danielle Willsie
(Alphabetized by Title)
Adult Content by Hope Lasater
Animal Mayhem by Stewart Skelton
Beard by Gretchen Somerfeld
Book Club Wars by Anne Flanagan
Casinolabs by Katie Scrivner and Lee Scrivner
Chips and Dips by Kevin Birnbaum
City of Souls by Chris Pittas
Clown Hospital by Stewart Skelton and Sarah Lilly
Colonizers by Jordan Friedberg
Cooze by Wendy Jean Wilkins
Exit the Fox by Stewart Skelton and Greg Wall
Expiration Date by Joann Buckley Collins
Greetings from Jerry by John Killoran
Happy Bus by Mara Powers
Hollywoodn't by Jason Boies and Eric Boies
Law of Enchantment by Ross Crown
One Good Man by Elizabeth J Musgrave
Picking Up Porter Douglas by Ann LeSchander
Shakespeare & Marlowe: A Write Pair by Chris O'Neill
Spoofs by Gene Gwynne
Stunt of the Century by Bob Corso and Laura Corey
The Asylum by Kelly Stanphill
The Buried Truth by Elizabeth Musgrave
The Land That Time Like Totally Forgot by Steven Tsapelas
Where The Men Are by Wendy Jean Wilkins
(Alphabetized by Title)
Better Angels by Helen Darvall
Blind-Sighted by David Keogh
Born to be Wild by Karl Mather
Civilian by Gina Scanlon
Crossin' Texas by Dan Loschack
Hardcore '86 by Chris Pittas
Hunter Killer by Steve Garvin
In Sheep's Clothing by Matthew Mascia
In the Footprints of Giants by Emily McGuiness and Daniel Bridges
Justice by Douglas Hall
La Jefa by Bob Reynolds
LA United by Trent Cruz
Lana's Worlds by Lizanne Southgate
Maria's Journey by Alan Knight
Paperweight by Katie Scrivner and Michael Sokey
Patient no More by Mugs Cahill
Penpals by Sheila Swanson
Ryan by Laurel Pardo
Slade by Jean Hunter
Supposed to Be by Dr. Beth-Anne Blue
The Passage by Justin Memovich
The Reckoning by Jocelyn Osier
The School by Adam Rocke
There You Are by Mackenzie Kyle
Treatment by Raymond-Kym Suttle
(Alphabetized by Title)
25 Burgher Street by Jill Parker
Adventures of Sally the Ladybug by Joseph Cataline
Apkallu Kids by Sandra Fernandez-Achenbach
Caught Between Two Worlds by Carlos Perez
Christmas Village Junction by David Hill
Claus by Justin Strout
Comfort and Joy by Ian Patrick Williams
Decked by Brent Hartinger
Gingerbread Ice by Debbie Danielpour
It's All You by Tom Seidman
Let It Shine by Romeo Ciolfi
Mary's Christmas by Diane Schmitz
Overtime by Tom McLaughlin
Primos by Scott Lopez and Jesus Jauregui
Princess Layla by David Simpson
Santa In Paradise by Tom Morgan
Seven Thousand Islands by Gary White
Single Ms. Kringle by Terence Brody
Talk is Cheap by Michelle Palmer
The Christmas Ballet of Lohmanville by John Broker
The Live Nativity by Guy Thompson
Thirty Days Till Christmas by Mary Barrett and Michael Fedele
True Story of the Perfect 36 by Veronica Tabares
Truffled by Dayle Dodds
Under 'S' for Sucker by Peggy Hanna
(Alphabetized by Title)
A Medal for Dr. Mary by Polly Craig and Danny Wright
Abandoned on Sand Island by Lisa Hagen
An Improbable Life by Matthew Myers
Battlin' Barbara by Anthony Lucas
Blood Tartan by Anna Ray-Jones
Comandante by Brendan Gore
Elsa by Joann Buckley Collins
Henry Wallace by Michael Long
Korematsu Vs. United States by David Case
Krypteia by Seamus Sullivan
Life and Music by Peter Chiverton
Madame Cavell by Phillip Ramati
Paganini - The Devil's Fiddler by John Dymale
Pancake Queen by Yolanda Brown
Resurrection Man by Eve Williams
Scoundrel by Amy Quick Parrish
The Anti-Heist by Lawrence Riggins
The Case Against Bertrand Russell by Joann Buckley Collins
The Final Round by Gary Allison
The Honorable Lady by John Morton
The Noble Woman by David Case
The Revolutionist by Lynn Mills and Briana London
The Stolen Empire by Sherry Ficklin
Up in the Sky by Elijah Olson and Eric Zimmermann
Who Dares Wins by Stephen Massicotte
(Alphabetized by Title)
Cut by Danielle Gershberg
Dead Strays by Neil Chase
Drawing Dead by Quentin Ellis
Exxie by Jason Vaughn
Gluttons by William Sikorski Jr.
Godhaus by Iggy Romero
His Name Is Jeremiah by D.J. McPherson
Houdini's by Michael Bockman
In His Image by John Broker and Colin Garland
Infection by Matthew Dixon
Lifers by Michael Sajewski
Mom Died by Michael Klug
Red Moon by Scott Barker
Snallygaster by Rich Figel
Starchart by Gino DeMarco
Stricken by Ted Campbell
Sundown by Wilbert Stanton
Sunshine State: Duende by Kai Thorup
The 13th Family by Carmen Lindsay
The Bloody Tower by Anna Taborska
The Camp by Anna Taborska
The Psychic Path by Terrence Kramer
Unravel by Danielle Gershberg
Wet by Lewayne White
Wong of the Dead by Jimmy Lui
(Alphabetized by Title)
A Well-Regulated Militia by Randall Fontana
Battle Born by Eric Roberson
Blue Motel by Ted Campbell
Cheremere by Paolo Taddei
City of Roses by Steve Walter
Double Decker Double Cross by Margo Reid
Dragging the Mark by Suzy Stein
Gemini by James Barker
Koral Sanders, Detective by Lawrence Riggins
Lying Together by Lincoln Hall
Marble Palace by Kirk Ah Tye
Masterpiece by Ann LeSchander
Mimic by Courtney Suttle
Mr. Smith by Karl White
Powder Burns by T Watkins
Salt & Ice by William Nahn and David Fleer
Shetani by Joshua Katz
Somewhere She Can Scream by Kenneth Mills
Somniphobia by Michael Brody
The Killing of Kingmustang by Robert Dorian
The M&M Boys by Gino DeMarco
The Paradise Walk by Daniel Holland
The XC (xCrime) by James Mason
Trigger by Nick McMurdy
You Have To Get Lucky by Patrick Malone
(Alphabetized by Title)
2088 - A Farmer Takes a Wife by Russell Bennett
A Whiff of Steel by Jason Aylmer
Archenemy by Will McGhee
Arianna by Mehul Desai
Conspiracy of Ravens by Teresa Barber
Double FF by Karl Mather
Dream City by Tyler Jones and Kirby
Everylife by Hunter (she/her) Liguore
F.T.L. Faster Than Light by Margo Reid
Facsimile by Gary Makin
Immortal by Brent Spencer and Jonis Agee
Intracranial by Mark Wasserman
Mind Burn by Mario Bobzin
Parousia by Todd Sorrell
Payload by Trey Stokes
Perfect by Alan C. Beard
Sol by James Fox
The End Of Time by Mark Feinsod
The First Law by D.J. McPherson and Jack Christian
The Inner Nymph by Jane Petreycik
The Khalee Mystery by Frances Rice
The Land of Oz-Zoo by William Sikorski Jr.
The Matron Saint by Bo Sanders
The VR (The Virtual Reality) by Terence Brody
Within by Brian Menz
(Alphabetized by Title)
A Town Called Eden by Amechi Ngwe and Nnamdi Ngwe
Arch's Legacy by Joshua Fruehling and Mark Montgomery
Atascoa by Walter Lawrence
Blood Salad Days by Ben Trebilcook
Border Dogs by T. Siena
Bury Your Dead by Rick McGovern
Day of Reckoning by Travis J Opgenorth
Flowers Every Day by Russell Bennett
French by Jason Bradd
Guns and Grace by Odin Ozdil
Holding On To You by Anich D'Jae
Logan's Land by Serita Stevens
Longrider by Matthew Dixon
Nine by Les Zigomanis
Potter's Ground by Pearse Lehane
Requited by Bill Johnston
Sheriff of Sturgill by Monis Rose
Stagecoach Mary Fields by Wendy Wolverton
Texas Bad Water by Walter Lawrence
The Abolutionists by Michael O'Looney
The Iron Horse of Lucy Steele by Paul Zeidman
The True Life and Outrageous Times of Hannah Belle Buchanan by Pat Dade
'Til River Burns by Patrick Mulvihill
Welcome to the West by Greg Baldwin
Yellow House Draw by Erick Kelemen
(Alphabetized by Title)
Love Speed by Scott Lipanovich
Advice for Teenage Outcasts by Dennis Escobedo
Against Her Will by Serita Stevens
All Saints by Jessica Montanez
Asian League by Annie Nishida
Breaking Tom by Michael Faunce-Brown
Crisis Of Conscience by Allan Tamshen
Fate and Other Holes in the Fabric of the Universe by Kemmer Cope
Grand & Humble by Brent Hartinger
Josephina's Tango by Amy Giaquinto
K-9 Cop by Erna Mueller
Loggerville, USA by Mark Donnell
Miscommunication by Joshua Lozano
Off The Trail by Scott Dunn
Offspring by Melanie Schiele
Robyn Hood Outlaw Princess by John Reynolds
Running on Empty by Elizabeth Otero de Espinoza
Sheppard Ave. by Joshua Clark
Songbird by Rebecca Williams Spindler
Spotlight by Derek Adams
The Days After by Federico Vicino
The Dye Singer's Boy by Elaine Stirling
The Restorer by Laurel Pardo and Janelle Leonard
The Solomon Power, Part 1 by Steffany Sommers
The Sun Rises on Another Day by Chelese Belmont
2018 Winners
Grand Prize
Ice Saki by Jack Matosian
2nd Place
Human by Nan Dillon
3rd Place
The Devil's Celluloid by Akio Duffy
Finalists (Top 10)
(Alphabetized by Title)
Border-Line by Kam Perez and Laith Nakli
Christmas Past by Leslie Davis
Forget-Me-Nots by John Dummer
Human by Nan Dillon
Ice Saki by Jack Matosian
Parts by Craig Page
That Sister Thang by Lindiwe Mueller-Westernhagen and Dale Winton
The Arrow Collar Man by Ellen Ireland
The Brain Injuries by Terence Brody
The Devil's Celluloid by Akio Duffy
Quarter-Finalists (Top 200)
(Alphabetized by Title)
Past The Bar pilot: "Career Move" by Jim Norman
40 Billion False Claims by JJ Frey
48 Minutes: The "Raging" Ray Giannini Story by Joseph Helak and Lois Brakenhoff
A Natural Man by Scott Spjut
A New State by Joe Gressis
A Special Place in Hell by Carter Lyon
Adrift by Michael Snow
Afrikka by Craige Cronin
Air by J.R. Wicker and Joey Sisson
All In by Andrea Nettleton
Alpha by Joseph Helak
Alta California by Lynn Elliott
Alternity: Origin by Tad Rose
AM…RICA by Kelly Costello
An American in Bollywood by Kishore Kraleti
An Unmarked Grave by Kevin Alexander Boon
Annie by Billie Harris
Another Woman's Story by Travis Heermann and Daphne O'Malley
Apache by Cameron Barsanti
Bad Things by Jon Bachmann and Katherine Griffin
Baron of Havana by Alex Simon
Beloved by Tammy Gross
Beverly 90222 High by Matt Mills
Biomass by Rob Tymchyshyn
Black Talon by Kris Lippert
Border-Line by Kam Perez and Laith Nakli
Broken Chalice by Kerry Patton
Buccaneers of the Asteroid Belt by Jeff Racho
Burden of Courage by Daron Ross
Chasing Spielberg by Robert Tobin
Chimera by Andy Walraven
Christmas Past by Leslie Davis
City of Nine Gems by Rachael Beauchamp
Clever by Patrick Andrew O'Connor
Connect by John Pisano-Thomsen
Consent by Frank J Avella
Covert Shadows by Billie Harris
Creta by George Mastrogiorgis
Cyborn by Mark Renshaw
Dark Horizons by Carlo Carere and Erin Carere
Dead Dudes by Winston Han
Dead Guy Days by Jacob Mynatt
Dead Money by David Carren
Dead Shot Mary by Robert K. Benson
Deerslayer by Nathan Cabaniss
Derblin Paranormal by Ryan Manns
Desposyni by Jean Galliano
DNA by Gary Brahl
Don by Alberto Battistutti
Double Switch by Mitch Paradise
DreamState by Timothy Parr
Due Process by David Johnson
Electric Lazarus by Ernest Langston
Everybody's Children by Dale Botten
Facsimile by Gary Makin
Fallen Angel's Lullaby by C.G. Noir
Fear, There & Everywhere by Craig Horwitz and Anthony Vollmer
Finding the Dark by Mychal Sargent
Fire in the Kingdom by Ronald Ecker
Foreverly by Ray O'Conor
Forget-Me-Nots by John Dummer
Godhaus by Iggy Romero
Good Cop, Bad Cop by Christopher Nwagbara
Hangwoman by Debra Sharkey
Happy Days by Bernhard Riedhammer
Hello Dalai by John Chao
Hemorrhage by Justin Fox
High School Vs. College by Nic Harvey
Hit Mom by Kevin Miller
Homegrown: "The Making of A Terrorist" by Beverly Neufeld
Human by Nan Dillon
Ice Saki by Jack Matosian
In the Dark by Adam King
Ivy League by Thom Browder and August Darnell, Peter Schott, and Harriet Wichtowski
Joseph by Ian Davies
JungleBall by Steve Dini
Kelipot by Seth Nesenholtz
Kindred Valley by Richie Mitchell
Last Mag by Chris Howlett
Last of the Burly Girls by John Pisano-Thomsen
Long Way to Neverland by Calvin M.J. Smith
Lost Cause by David Schroeder
Lost Eden Canyon by Alan Baxter
Love, Jade by Anne-Marie Evans
Lover in the Sun by Daniel Pulick
M.N.N.D (Manhattan North Narcotics District) by Derek Wright
Maintenance by Max Ash
Mark of Cain by Edward Case
Marty Zipco's Ballroom by Scott Jacobs
McBrides by Erna Mueller
Miracles, Inc. by Rebecca Graham Forde
Mob Chick by Theodore Carl Soderberg
Mr. Bixby's Cub by Mark Beech
Murder of Crows by Jason Forbach
My Monster by David Carren
Nemesis by Peter Hurd
New Eyes by Peter Arpesella
Nobody Said Goodbye by Alex Simon
On Tour by Ryan Manns and Jocelyn Manns
One December by Andrew Amadeo
Onna Bugeisha by Yoshie Lewis
Operation Brother Sam by Gustavo Freitas
Operation: Loki by Alex Simon
Pain in the A-- by Beth Rehman
Panacea's Dream by Jeff Leisawitz
Parousia by Todd Sorrell
Parts by Craig Page
Patient Zero by Paul Rose Jr.
Peeling the Onion of Infinite Regress in Raymond Carver's Iowa City Kitchen by James Fitzmaurice
Phaethon - 2: Contact by Victor Orel
Plight of the Immortal by Chiara Forestieri
Pole Boss by Stefanie Woodburn
Postmortem by Ellen Ireland
Prayer of the Headless Mantis by Jose Villanueva
Pride & President by John Pisano-Thomsen
Quest for Light, Adventure of the Magi by Byron Anderson
Raven Manor by Scott Stanton and Leigh Stanton
Realeyes by Andrew Elling
Rebound by Warren Paul Glover
Replay by Candace O'Connor
Rescue Inc. by Jake Cashill and John Moretti
Returned pilot "Lost Children" by Lizanne Southgate
Ruby Horse Thief by Jonathan Caren
Savior by Tim Molloy
Savior by Bo Sanders
Scatterbrains by Richard Hohenrath
Second Lives by Michele Ryan
Second Skin by James Mayson
Shrovetide by Peter Besson
Silent Rescue by Todd Sorrell
Silent Scream by Mike Wood
Sleepover by Jonathan Davenport
Sparks by Matt Mills
Spoken by Tricia Lee
St. Patrick's Day by Patrick Caulfield
Step-MILF by Hamilton Mitchell
Submission by Charles Painter
Succession by Douglas Schofield
Sumo Football by Scott Jacobs
Supernetics by Nolan Bryand
Table for Two? by Warren Paul Glover
Take The Shot by Jim Norman
Tales From The Creeps - The Feeteaters by Diana Davis
Talk Therapy by Thomas Moore
That Sister Thang by Lindiwe Mueller-Westernhagen and Dale Winton
The 49th Day by Craig Peters
The Aftermath by Juliana Rabadjija
The Anklebiter by Andrew Jones
The Arrow Collar Man by Ellen Ireland
The Art of It... by Peter R Feuchtwanger
The Brain Injuries by Terence Brody
The Circus by Woting Cai
The Club by Karen Bryson
The Coldest Horizon by Jeffrey Howe
The Color of Evil by Connie Wilson
The Coup by Joe Ayella
The Devil's Celluloid by Akio Duffy
The Door by Robert Cox
The Duke and Duchess of Queens by Jezabel Montero
The Eidolon by Douglas Rich
The Elephants in the Room by Peter R Feuchtwanger
The Factory by Paul Mastin and Christopher Fink
The Fifth Starpoint by Susan Rhinehart
The Final Score by Christopher Marton
The Five Joaquins by Joseph E. Miller
The Game of Life by F.J. Lennon
The Great Con by Matt Schutt
The Great Gay Hope by James Berg
The Hermit Diaries by Richard Sirianni
The Hero Of The World by Staci Greason and Linda Hill
The Judas Branch by Bill Loiselle
The Last Checkout by Peter Besson
The Last Guard by Anthony Ford
The Ones Who Know by Barbara Johns
The Outskirts of Paradise by Montgomery Burt
The Paper Route by Danny Howell
The Passage by Justin Memovich
The Politics of Love & Dance by John Pisano-Thomsen
The Salt Box by Robert J. Rogers
The Saudi by Moutaz Jad
The Steps by Sybil Raney
The Strippers and the Vampire's Daughter by Peter Hurd
The System by Patricia Cheron
The Tear Collector by Linda Niccol
The Three Lives of Angel Fleming by William LiPera
The VR (The Virtual Reality) by Terence Brody
The Will of the Sonnets by James Anthony
The Write Off by Andy Garland
Titan of Bronze by Mark Brooke
Transfelted by Chandler Kilgore-Parshall
Tulare Basin by Carole Ryavec
Ultimate Rush by Joseph Helak
Visions by Danny Howell
White Trash Heroes Pilot by Peter Stallo
Will I Still Love You When I'm Dead by C.G. Noir
With These Eyes by Horst Steiner
Wives of Willoughby's Pilot: "Diego" by Maria Carolan
Wolf Moon by Jack Polo
XXXposing Ruth by Elizabeth Musgrave
Zombie Chickens, or The Acluckalypse by Richard Moon